The personality with the ability "Again".
The monster with the most variants.
Snurp (9 variants)
The best enemy in the game.
The name of the "Cool" personality's skill that allows them to do more damage.
Pressure Point.
The enemy most people consider to be responsible for the highest difficulty spike in the game.
Clever Running Nose.
The person responsible for the "Cat suit inbound" meme.
The number of personalities without any objectively bad abilities.
3 (Cautious, Energetic, Airheaded)
The first monster type that you fight both a boss variant and a regular variant of.
Butterfly/Moth (Rock Moth + Butterfly "Carefree Guide")
The pair of assignable roles mainly used for shipping.
The Lovey-Dovey Couple
The personalities that get angry when "Avenge" triggers.
Cool, Stubborn, Energetic
The number of different enemies you can encounter before Neksdor (not including rare/gold/tasty snurps).
The greatest part of Miitopia.
The Soundtrack.
The names of all the "Airheaded" abilities.
Oops!, Frolic, Sleepyhead
Banana Mii Trap.
Everyone's least favourite armour set.