What Is Mika's mother's first name and last name (currently)?
Edna Hewett
What was the first sport Mika ever played?
Who does Mika normally travel with in the summer (One family)
Ealas (Ysa)
Who is Mika's current favorite teacher (Hint: a teacher that is not currently teaching her rn; 2 possible answers)
Mrs. Maloney or Dr. Cruickshank
What is Mika's favorite thing to drink?
Arizona iced tea
what year did Mika get her dog Emi?
3rd grade (2020)
What is a sport that Mika has only played 1 year in
Where did Mika travel to on her favorite vacation? (2 possible correct answers)
Costa Rica or Philippines
What is Mika's current favorite subject?
What is Mika's least favorite drink?
Coconut water
What is Kaya's favorite sport? And what position does she play in this sport?
What was the Softball team's name that Mika plaed for last year?
What is Mika's favorite thing to do when traveling?
Eat food and go zipplining
Who was Mika's best friend in pre-K?
What is Mika's favorite dessert?
lava cake with ice cream
What is Mika's dog's favorite human food?
What is Mika's favorite CYO sport? (2 possible answers)
Volleyball or basketball
Where has Mika traveled with her grandma?
What is Mika's least favorite subject (2 answers)?
Math or Social Studies
What does Mika use as a substitute for peanut butter?
Soy Butter
True or False: Both Mika's dad and Mika's mom grew up in Canada
False; Mika's dad grew up in America
What position does Mika prefer to play in basketball, softball, soccer, flag football, and volleyball? (100 points for each correct answer)
basketball: PG or SG, volleyball: Outside hitter
Soccer: Goalie or right forward, Flag football: QB
softball: 2nd baseman
Hard One: How old was Mika when she went to Mexico?
4 years old
How old was Mika when Mrs. Maloney first met Mika?
2 years old
What was Mika allergic to when she was younger?
Eggs and Peanuts