Mike's favorite type of animal/pet
What is a Dog?
Where does Mike travel to every January?
What is Las Vegas?
Mike participates in this sport every Tuesday night
Why didn't the teddy bear want dessert?
Because he was stuffed!
What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?
How old is Mike's son, Connor?
What is 9?
If given both options, would Mike prefer to fly, drive, or train to a vacation destination?
What is Fly?
Mike has gotten a hole-in-one in golf this many times
What is 0?
Why can't you trust atoms?
Because they make up everything!
Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?
Because $19.68 is greater than $19.67
Most of Mike's extended family resides in this state
What is Pennsylvania?
Mike has visited this many states
What is 25?
How many different sports teams does Mike have season tickets for?
What is 1?
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!
What has three evenly sized feet, but does not walk?
A yardstick
Mike has this many siblings
What is 1?
Mike has visited this many countries
What is 8?
Mike has played these two sports in college
What is Soccer and Baseball?
How do you make Budweiser?
Send him to school!
Name three consecutive days without using Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday
Mike was born and raised in this town in Maryland
What is Pasadena?
What is Wildwood, NJ?
Mike's son Connor actively participates in this many sports
What is 5?
Where is the best place to store dad jokes?
Imagine being in a room that's quickly filling up with water. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out fast?
Stop imagining