What age group will I be this year?
Bonim 1 :0
What instrument do I play?
Who was my first friend in elementary school?
Who is my role model?
Dany Dorsey
What is my favorite food?
Any kind of pasta
What Madatz year am I?
What instrument did I switch to in 6th grade?
Bari Sax
baritone saxophone🎷
What month is international night?
(summer month)
How many years apart are me and my sister?
4 years
Do I like chocolate and vanilla ice cream together or separate?
(swirl or no swirl)
Who was my first friend at Mosh?
What is Mr. Pratte's favorite dance from the BEGINNING of the year?
(6th grade)
Gangam Style
What was the babysitting club did my friends try to create called?
The Dog-Club
everyone at Mosh :)
What food do I always eat with cream cheese over passover?
Who was our counselor last year? (That we lived with)
Franny and Galya
Where do we go for our trip every year?
Kings Dominion
Who was my 3rd grade teacher?
Ms. Meranama
What is my childhood nickname?
Silly Poopy 💩
What is my favorite “drink”?
What was my first year at Mosh?
What days did I have band?
(6th grade)
gold days
Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Friday
What was my 1st grade play called?
Who am I named after?
My Nana Marlene
What is my least favorite vegetable?