middle part of the muscle
what is the belly
group of similar cells that perform a specific function
what is tissue
produce and release substances that perform a specific function in the body
what are glands
study of bones
what is osteology
basic units of all living things
what is are cells
contracts and moves various parts of the body
what is muscle tissue
study of the structure, function and pathology of the nervous system
what is neurology
framework of the face, composed of 14 bones
what is the facial skeleton
whitish bundles of nerve fibers that transmit impulses
what are nerves
largest artery in the body
what is the aorta
the only bone in the throat
what is the hyoid
the heads skeleton is called
what is the skull
watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus,the enzymes helps digest and break down other molecules for food
what is cytoplasm
chemical process by which cells convert nutrients to energy
what is metabolism
aka vascular system or cardiovascular system. controls the bodys circulation through the heart and the blood vessels
what is the circulatory system
forms the physical foundation of the body
what is the skeletal system
groups of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions
what are organs
oval bony case consisting of 8 bones that protect the brain
what is the cranium
there are 26 bones in the answer
what is how many bones in the foot
carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands. these impulses produce movement aka efferent nerves
what are motor nerves
broad mucsle that covers the top of the head
what is the epicranius
medical term for chewing
what is mastication
means in front
what is anterior
they carry messages from the sense organs(heat,cold,sight,sound) to the brain and spinal cord. aka afferent nerves
what are sensory nerves
the study of human body structures, how they are organized, the science of the interconnected structure of organisms or of their parts
what what is anatomy
means above
what is superior
includes the pituitary,thyroid,and adrenal glands as well as other glands. releases right into the bloodstream.aka ductless glands
what are the endocrine glands
study of the functions and activities performed by the bodys structures
what is physiology
groups of body organs acting together to perform one or more functions. aka systems
what are body systems
means below
what is inferior
body system that covers and holds the skeletal system in place and moves various body parts
what is the muscular system
fibrous tissue that binds and supports other body tissues and organs
what is connective tissue
muscles that draws a body part away from the midline of the body
what is an abductor
well organized body system composed of the brain, spinal cord and nerves, controls and coordinates all other body systems
what is the nervous system
behind or at the rear
what is posterier
makes up a cell; contains nutrients, mineral salts and water
what is protoplasm
chemical substances such as insulin,adrenaline, and estrogen that stimulate activities in the body
what are hormones
206 bones are in this answer
what is how many bones in a human body
thin layer of tissue that surrounds the cell; is semipermeable or allows certain substances to enter the cell
what is cell membrane
thin walled vessels that are less elastic than arteries and carry blood containing waste products to the heart and lungs for cleaning and to pick up oxygen.
what are veins
body system that helps defend against infection and includes lymph, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen and lymph vessels
what is the lymphatic system
small veins that connect the capillaries to the larger veins
what are venules
system that takes oxygen poor blood to the lungs for oxygenation and waste removal then returns that blood to the heart so oxygen rich blood can be delivered to the body
what is pulmonary circulation
structure at the center of the cell, controls growth and reproduction of the cell and contains the cells genetic material
what is the nucleus
muscle that allows the thumb to be moved towards aa finger of the same hand
what is opponens
part of the muscle that does not move and is anchored to the bone, attached closest to the skeleton
what is the origin
movable part of the muscle anchored to the bone; attached farthest from the skeleton
what is the insertion
muscles that draws a body part toward the midline of the body; draws the fingers of the hand together
what are adducters
part of the nervous system that controls involuntary muscle action and regulates the actions of the smooth muscles, glands, blood vessels, heart and breathing
what is the autonomic nervous system or ANS
carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions
what is nerve tissue
system of nerves connecting the outer parts of the body to the central nervous system; has both sensory and motor nerves, carries impulses to and from the CNS
what is the peripheral nervous system or PNS
provides a covering that protects the body and is found in many parts of the body,such as skin,mucous membranes,lining of the mouth,heart and glands
what is epithelial tissue
system that carries oxygen rich blood from the heart throughout the whole body and returns oxygen poor blood back to the heart. aka general circulation
what is systemic circulation
controls voluntary muscle actions and consists of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and cranial nerves
what is the central nervous system or CNS
body system consisting of skin and its accessory organs. (oil,sweat,hair,nails) protective covering and helps regulate the bodys temprature
what is the integumentary system
body system consisting of a group of specialized glands that control the growth, development, reproduction and health of the entire body
what is the endocrine system
process of cell reproduction that occurs when the cell divides into 2 identical daughter cells
what is mitosis
process of simple molecules combining to forma complex molecule, requires energy
what is anabolism
include the sebaceous and sudorifirous glands as well as other glands that produce a substance that travel through small tubelike parts. aka duct glands
what are exocrine glands
study of the structure,functions and diseases of the muscular system
what is myology