Covers, shapes, and supports the skeletal tissue.
Muscular System
Contracts and moves the various parts of the body.
Muscle Tissue
Most cells include a nucleus, cell membrane, and small organs called what.
The basic unit of all living things.
Study of structures of the human body.
The body’s first line of defense against infection and water loss.
Integumentary System
Carries messages through the central nervous system to control and coordinate all bodily functions.
Nerve Tissue
Take in nutrients, break them down, and create energy for the cel.
The normal process of cell reproductio.
The study of functions and activities performed by the body.
Excretory System
Examples include fascia, blood, and fat.
Connective Tissue
Colorless jellylike substance in which nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrate, mineral salts and water.
Part of the cell that encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave.
Cell membrane
The study of microscopic anatomy.
Protects the body from disease.
Immune/Lymphatic System
The protective lining on cavities of the body and surfaces of organs.
Epithelial Tissue
Chemical process that converts nutrients to energy so the cell can function.
Favorable conditions for a cell to grow and reproduce include an adequate supply of what 5 things?
Nutrients, oxygen, water, temperature, and ability to eliminate waste.
Blood is 83% water, what percent of muscles are water?
This system includes the pancreas.
Endocrine System
Stores energy and gives smoothness and contour to the body.
Adipose Tissue
The chemical energy used within cells for metabolism is called what?
ATP (adenosine triphisphate)
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
What is the integumentary system made of?
The skin and various accessory organs such as hair and nails.