what is a frustration to the turnovers
what is the main rock we sold
granite rock
what is the roof
a canoe
when is the big sale
Independence day
what was our lowest priced item
a bubble wrap piece containing two bubbles
what is a frustration to the turnovers
melting snow
what is our most known rock
lava rock
who works at ogel lego
Winston Miles
what was our big sale of the year 2023
police officer
what was the cost of our lowest priced item
who is a frustration to the turnovers
where were they produced
under 811
What is three things ogel Lego servers
answers will vary
what is the first ever made flavor
blackberry-ade lemonade lime-ade and straw-ade
where was the store located
who is a frustration to the turnovers
what was our highest priced rock
gold colered
Where is ogel lego located
in a storage unit in the backyard of 811
what was our first year selling
what was our highest priced item
a wooden garage door panel
what makes us frustrated
the answer is LILLY AND HANNAH
how much is the highest priced rock
what is the logo of ogel Lego
when did we decide to sell ice cream instead of lemonade
this year
how much was the highest priced item