Appositives/ Commas
Pronouns #2

Which sentence does NOT have an error in pronoun usage?

A. Caleb is 6 years older than I.

B. Our aunt visited Kiana and I yesterday.

C.Who did Amelia share her lunch with today?

D. Did Damian or me score the highest grades in class?

A. Caleb is 6 years older than I.


This type of punctuation mark is used to separate an appositive from the rest of the sentence.



Which sentence could be added to the end of the paragraph and BEST maintain a consistent style?

Eve went to a hockey game tonight. It was her first hockey game. She went with her parents. She was impressed by the speed of the players. She was also impressed with the skill of the players

A. Along with her parents, Eve went to her first hockey game where the speed of the players and their skill impressed her.

B. The speed and skill of the players impressed Eve when she attended her first hockey game tonight along with her parents.

C. Because she had never seen a hockey game before, Eve was impressed by the speed and the skill of the players, and so were her parents.

D. Having never seen a hockey game until tonight with her parents, Eve was impressed by the speed of the players and the skill of the players.

B. The speed and skill of the players impressed Eve when she attended her first hockey game tonight along with her parents.


The carpentry club members were the ones who built everything ourselves. 

What word should replace ourselves?

A. theirselves 

B. themselves

C. itself

D. himself

B. themselves


I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs. When I visits the museum.

Which revision corrects all of the errors in the sentences?

A. I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs. When I visit the museum.

B. I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs. When I visits the museum.

C. I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs when I visits the museum.

D. I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs when I visit the museum.

D. I spend most of my time looking at the dinosaurs when I visit the museum.


Which sentence uses pronouns correctly? 

A. Has Max itself looked at the directions to the party? 

B. It was clear that the council members herself supported the plan. 

C. Have you seen the homework assignment ourselves?

D. It might be fun for the kids to make the cupcakes themselves.

D. It might be fun for the kids to make the cupcakes themselves.


Identify the appositive:

Jack, the boy next door, plays in his backyard every day after school.

the boy next door


Which sentence could be added to the end of the paragraph and BEST maintain a consistent style?

Like humans, animals need to visit their doctors regularly. Veterinarians provide regular shots that keep pets healthy. Veterinarians also check pets’ teeth, just like dentists do, to make sure they have no dangerous plaque. Veterinarians can even provide grooming services to keep your pets’ nails at a comfortable length.

A. I always take my pet to the vet to make sure it is healthy. 

B. If you take your pet to the vet, be ready to have an active, happy pet!

C. With regular visits to the veterinarian, pets can enjoy long and healthy lives.

D. Provided one visits with veterinarians quite regularly, pets will maintain their health

C. With regular visits to the veterinarian, pets can enjoy long and healthy lives.


We came home from the fair early because us couldn’t go on most of the rides. 

Which revision corrects the pronoun error in the sentence?

A. We came home from the fair early because they couldn’t go on most of the rides.

B. We came home from the fair early because ourselves couldn’t go on most of the rides.

C. We came home from the fair early because them couldn’t go on most of the rides.

D. We came home from the fair early because we couldn’t go on most of the rides.

D. We came home from the fair early because we couldn’t go on most of the rides.


Which sentence contains a spelling error?

(1) When I first started middle school, I didn’t feel very confident in gym because I’m not very atheletic. (2) I didn’t run very quickly, and I could barely kick a soccer ball. (3) Hoping to get extra credit, I showed the gym teacher my drawings of school soccer games. (4) He asked me to draw a chalk mural on the gym wall, so others could enjoy my drawings.

Sentence 1


Read the paragraph. 

(1)In the late 1800’s, when he was travelling by train, the artist Claude Monet saw the town of Giverny, France. (2) He decided to try to live there. (3) He eventually bought a house, and he spent years growing colorful gardens, which inspired his paintings. (4) He also worked on creating a beautiful pond filled with waterlilies. (5) I often painted very large landscapes of what I saw outdoors. (6) Many of Monet’s works are on display in museums around the world. 

Which sentence contains an incorrect pronoun?

Sentence 5


Place the comma(s) in this sentence:

I live in San Antonio the home of the Alamo.

Place the comma(s) in this sentence:

I live in San Antonio, the home of the Alamo.


(1) Ximena Sanchez is running for class president, and there are several reasons you should vote for her. (2) First, she has earned straight As in middle school, which shows that she is intelligent and a hard worker. (3) Second, she works well with teachers and students, which I know since we have been best friends since we were really little kids. (4) Finally, she has practical ideas about how to make the school a better place. (5) Please consider voting for Ximena, an excellent student, helper, and friend.

Which sentence shows a shift in tone that should be corrected?

Sentence 3) Second, she works well with teachers and students, which I know since we have been best friends since we were really little kids.


(1) Samantha knew the bake sale was going to be a huge success, because it was even bigger than last year’s. (2) Cakes, cookies, and other sweets covered two tables, making the hallway look like a bakery. (3) They were six feet long, so there was a lot from which to choose. (4) She hoped people liked her apple pies as much as they liked her cookies!

Which sentence contains an vague pronoun and should be replaced? 

Sentence 3


John Tim and Bob went to the game last night

John, Tim, and Bob went to the game last night.


(1) My friend Kari and me like to help the children’s librarian on Tuesday afternoons. (2) Kari usually gets there before I do, but last week she was late. (3) The children did not settle down until she walked in the door. (4) I don’t know what the librarian would do without us.

Which pronoun should be replaced?

A. me in sentence 1

B. I in sentence 2

C. she in sentence 3

D. us in sentence 4

A. me in sentence 1


Which sentence needs commas to set off parenthetical information?

A. Jon Molinar who attended our middle school is a professional hockey player.

B. I am the student who works in the office before school and during fifth period. 

C. The person who wrote the poem for the yearbook is my friend Miguel Weaver. 

D. We need a volunteer who is willing to create posters advertising the spelling bee.

A. Jon Molinar who attended our middle school is a professional hockey player.


1) When a person thinks a thought, an electrical signal travels from one brain cell to another. (2) Brain cells don’t touch, however. (3) Instead, spaces exist between them that must be crossed in order for the signals to get through. (4) These spaces are called synapses. (5) Chemicals float in the synapses. (6) Like ferry boats between two shores, they carry the signals from one brain cell to the next. 

Which revision that combines sentences 3 and 4 into one sentence BEST improves the style of the paragraph?

A. Instead, existing between brain cells, synapses are spaces that must be crossed for the signals to get through.

B. Instead, spaces called synapses exist between them that must be crossed for the signals to get through.

C. Instead, signals must cross the spaces that exist between them, and these spaces are called synapses.

D. Instead, spaces exist between them that must be crossed for the signals to get through, and these spaces are called synapses. 

B. Instead, spaces called synapses exist between them that must be crossed for the signals to get through.


Some of the skateboarders had fun showing off they amazing skills.

Which word should replace they?



Our dog, Ruby, watches the mail carrier warily, she sometimes growls at him.

Our dog, Ruby, watches the mail carrier warily. She sometimes growls at him.


Which sentence uses pronouns correctly?

A. Ask either Joe or myself if you have any questions.

B. My little brothers can’t do anything for theirselves.

C. Leela bumped into an old fence and scratched herself.

D. Even Deon hisself didn’t want to dress up for the party.

C. Leela bumped into an old fence and scratched herself.


Which sentence contains an appositive?

(1) Venice, a city in northern Italy, is actually built on a group of tiny islands. (2) These islands are separated by waterways that serve as the city’s streets. (3) To get to work or to stores, people travel on water “taxis” or on gondolas, the famous smaller boats. (4) Visitors must leave their cars on Italy’s mainland, which is accessible to Venice only by train or ferry.

Sentence 1) Venice, a city in northern Italy, is actually built on a group of tiny islands.


Read the draft of a letter to the school newspaper. 

Dear Editor, 

(1) I appreciate the article you printed in the March newspaper about school clubs and extracurriculars. (2) It is important to highlight ways students can become more involved in school activities. (3) Not everyone is tuned in to whatever’s going on, right? (4) Your proposal, to host an open house for clubs and extracurriculars, makes a lot of sense. (5) That way, students are not depending on sheer luck or knowing the “right” person to get into a club or activity. (6) Students can see what’s available, talk to others who are involved, and then decide for themselves if they want to join. 

Which revision would maintain the formal style of the letter?

A. Change sentence 1 to “I support your March article about clubs and extracurricular activities.”

B. Change sentence 2 to “It is really important to show students ways they can do more things at school.” 

C. Change sentence 3 to “Not all students are fully aware of the range of activities they can join.”

D. Change sentence 4 to “Your open house proposal of an open house for clubs is a very good idea.” 

A. Change sentence 1 to “I support your March article about clubs and extracurricular activities.”


(1) It was time for the class to end, and we were packing their things and heading out the door. (2) Miko noticed that one of the boys sitting near him left his textbook under a chair. (3) “Has anyone lost our book?” Miko asked. (4) “I think either Bill or Miles left his book behind.”

Which two sentences use pronouns incorrectly?

Sentences 1 and 3


I like cooking my family and my dog.

I like cooking, my family, and my dog.
