Namiha awani! ala Namihi!
(You singular) see someone! or (You singular) see me!
K'namihi ala K'namiol?
Do you see me or do I see you?
K'namihô awani ala k'namihogw awani?
Do you see someone or does someone see you?
Namito ni!
See that thing!
Nodawa na Tolba!
Hear that Turtle!
Kagwi waji namihian ala nami(h)olan?
Why is it that you see me or that i see you?
Kizosoo namihôan taachi namihogoan.
It is sunny when you see them and also when they see you.
Nolidahôzi kazalmit wzômi wlidahôzo kazalmok.
I am happy that they love me because they are happy that i love them.
Wlidahôzo dokiliji.
They are happy when theirs awakens (is awake).
Miji nikwôbi! ala Mowa kôgisgakki!
Mowa sogaliabôn kôgisgakki! Eat sweetbread every day!
Nodawa awani! ala Nodawi!
(You singular) hear someone! or (You singular) hear me!
K'nodawi ala K'nodol?
Do you hear me? or Do I hear you?
K'nodawô awani ala k'nodôgw awani?
Do you hear someone or does someone hear you?
Kezalda ni nsôbo!
Love that (three sisters) soup!
Kezalma na pizza!
Love that pizza!
Soglôn nodawian taachi nodolan.
It rains when you hear me and also when i hear you.
Kizelôn nodawôan taachi nodôgoan.
It had rained when you heard them and also when they heard you.
Kolidahôzi nodawit taachi kolidahôzi nodawok.
You are happy that they hear me and also you are happy that i hear them.
Kao walidahôziliji.
They sleep when theirs is happy.
Miji tônitta wajoneman! ala Mowa tônitta wajônôan!
Miji wanibagw tônitta wajoneman! Eat (some) leaf whenever you have some!
Kezalma awani! ala Kezalmi!
(You singular) love someone! or (You singular) love me!
K'kezalmi ala k'kezalmel?
Do you love me? or Do I love you?
K'kezalmô awani? ala K'kezalmegw awani?
Do you love someone or does someone love you?
Noda ni makazen!
Hear that shoe!
Namiha na k'wôbaks!
See (that one) your shirt!
Kakasokw kazalmian taachi kazalmelan!
It is clear-sky weather when you love me and also when I love you.
Asokwat kazalmôan taachi kazalmegoan.
It is cloudy when you love them and also when they love you.
Wlidahôzo namihit wzômi wlidahôzo namihok.
They are happy that they see me because they are happy that i see them.
Aboa nihi awani alintoit.
That else one sits when someone sings.
Miji spôzowiwi! ala Mowa adlôgwiwi!
Miji adbakwa spôzowiwi! Eat (some) bean in the morning!
Namihokw awani! ala Namihôda awani!
(You plural) See someone! or Let's see someone!
Nolidahôzi assihian? ala assi(h)olan?
I am happy when you encourage me? or when I encourage you?
Kolidahôzi namihôan awani? ala namihogoan awani?
You are happy when you see someone? or when someone sees you?
K'kezaldamen ni lintowôgan!
You love that song!
K'nodawô na Legwasowôgan!
Hear that dream!
Nolidahôzi agakimian ta kolidahôzi agakimelan.
I am happy that you teach me and you are happy that i teach you.
N'mikaldamen namihôan kanwa n'wanaldamen namihogoan.
I remember (it) when you see them, but I forget (it) when they see you.
Kiziba nodawok taachi nodawit?
Could it be that i hear them and also that they hear me?
Awanihi nakwhômoa, tônitta awani walidahôzit.
Someone else sneezes whenever someone is happy.
Miji walôwigek! ala Mowa walôwigit!
Mowa piches walôwigit! Eat (some) peach, when they are blue!
Nodawokw awani! ala Nodawôda awani!
(You plural) Hear someone! or Let's hear someone!
Kolidahôzi tabestawian? ala tabestolan?
You are happy when you pay attention (by ear) to me? or when I pay attention (by ear) you?
Nolidahôzi nodawôan? ala nodôgoan?
I am happy when you hear someone? or when someone hears you?
N'nodamen ni malto!
I hear that hammer!
N'namihô na apkwasimon!
I see that pillow!
N'michi skawihian ta k'michi skawi(h)olan.
I eat when you wait for me and you eat when I wait for you.
N'mikwaldamen kazalmôan, kanwa n'wanaldamen kazalm(e)goan.
I remember (it) when you love them, but I forget (it) when they love you.
N'ihlôn namihit wzômi nd'ihlegon namihok.
I tell them (it) that they see me because they tell me (it) that i see them.
Agma ao mziwi kdagihi pazôbiliji.
They are present when all of the others are able to see.
Miji askaskwigek! ala Mowa askaskwigit!
Miji wios askaskwigek! Eat (some) meat when it is green!
Kezalmokw awani! ala Kezalmôda,
(You plural) Love someone! or Let's love someone!
K'wiagigwawi wlimian? ala wlimelan?
You smile when you treat me well? or when i treat you well?
N'wawaldamen kazalmôan awani taachi kazalmegoan.
I know (it) that you love someone and also that someone loves you.
W'namiton ni chakwakw!
They see that knife !
W'kezalmô na kalakôn!
They love that cracker/chip/cookie!
N'mikwaldamen wawtawian taachi wawtolan.
I remember that you understand me and that i understand you.
N'mikwaldamen nodawôan, kanwa n'wanaldamen nodôgoan.
I remember (it) when you hear them, but I forget (it) when they hear you.
Nd'ihlôn kazalmok wzômi nd'ihlegon kazalmit.
I tell them (it) that I love them because they tell me (it) that they love me.
Awanihi tbelômaa awani tabelômit.
Someone else is discussing/ talking about someone who is talking about me.
K'kezimijin ni ala K'kezimowô na?
K'kezimijin ni. (Akwi miji!) Eat that basket quickly!