What Brandon said when he was little and decided to wear his Batman costume every day.
What is, Batman Loves Deodorant?
This is what Mom said when she was drunk on wine on the bathroom floor at the Turtle Creek house.
What is, "Help the mama."?
This was in Makayla's hand when she said, "I've got a meat magnet, stay back!"
What is, a kielbasa sausage?
The hair color that Melinda regrets most.
What is, red (will also accept orange)?
The king of the pet kingdom
Who is, King Izzy?
What Brandon was wearing on his head when he said "I'm Garnet"?
What is, Grandmas neck pillow?
This is what we put the dirty dishes to be cleaned in Mom speak.
What is, "Dish-Washer"?
This is what Makayla got in trouble for and sent to the deans office in middle school.
What is, having a manga(or book) with a naked lady in it(a lady taking a shower)?
This is the animal that Melinda ran over and cried about when she went to pick B and his friends up from the skate park.
What is, a turtle?
This is Roscoes full name.
What is, Sherif Roscoe Beans Pickle Train(will accept the name without Beans)?
This is what Brandon said when Makayla yelled "I've got a meat magnet, stay back!"
What is, "Ahhh"?
This is Moms favorite Peeps flavor.
What is, purple?
This is the name of Makayla's middle school boyfriend that Melinda introduced her to.
Who is, Justin?
This is Melinda's favorite mobile game.
What is, Merge Dragons?
This is the show that Melinda, Makayla, and Brandon bonded over.
What is Steven Universe (or Avatar the Last Airbender)?
This is the reason Brandon was banned form the internet for a whole year at the Alvarado house.
What is, taking Moms credit card to buy stuff on Minecraft?
This is Mom's favorite wine.
What is, San Sebastian wine.
This is the name of Makayla's favorite childhood stuffed animal.
What is, Facoon?
This is what Melinda was obsessed with and would not stop watching videos about.
Multiple answers would count, What is:
The Sims
The Backrooms
(other answers could be applied if approved during game)
This is the name of what the kids were made to do when they were in trouble instead of getting spanked.
What is, The Treatment?
This is the name of the bald man who we make fun of Brandon for being like.
Who is, Andrew Tate(Joe Rogan is also accepted)?
This is the name of the coffee compony Mom worked for.
What is, Maxwell House?
This is Makayla's favorite chocolate bar.
What is, KitKat?
This is the age Melinda was when she got her drivers license.
What is, 23?
This is the name Cashous's first owner gave him.
What is, Panda?