what show is the character from that i named robin after
stranger things
starbucks order?
iced vanilla blonde latte with alonde milk
what age did i get into stranger things ?
8 years old
where was nessa born
new jersey
what is my spam/ old fanpage called
my favorite food right now
whats my favorite candle scent
honey vanilla
what two awards did i get in 8th grade that i am still very proud of
a most improved award and a coding award
how many eps does nessa have ?
bonus for the names
pretty posion and hell is a teenage girl
whats my favorite movie
scream 1
favorite candy?
peach gummy rings
how did me and mariana meet
the larray fandom in 2021 by a group chat
finish the line
please dont kill me mr ghostface
i wanna be in the sequel
how many albums does nessa have?
bonus for the names
young forever and aftercare
what were all three of my jobs
bashful banana, oc beach tagging and tillys
what two things do i have of max mayfields exact replica from the show stranger things
her headphones and her skateboard
gavin magnus
whats my favorite makeup product that i always have on me
rem cherry cola glossy balm
finish the line
mr. krabs
where did i have to get two stitches at when i was a little + bonus that one time in 2021
my eye, my lip and the top of my foot
favorite stranger things character
dustin henderson
whats my phone background rn
cooper and nessa
whats a school year that i wish to go back to
8th grade
my first ever favorite nessa song
plane to paris
whos my favorite teacher ever
mrs. caucci