Age Millie's parents got divorced
What is 2 years old?
Genshin Impact
If not obvious by any of the other questions so far, what gender identifications does Millie use
What is doll and fae!
Favorite clothing item
What is berets?
Classics, 1700s-1800s authors doll has a leaning towards or talks the most about (there are 3, but only 1 is okay!)
What is Jane Austen, Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Hardy?
List the ways doll commonly wishes her father would pass away with (there are 4, but any are fine)
Liver disease, lung cancer, falling off of the Ritz building, car crash.
Name of the doll brand has fae been obsessed with since teens/childhood
What is Monster High? (Ever After High is also an ok answer here!)
Forced unpaid job as a child for about a decade doll both boasts about and hated (hint: related to dolls father)
What are car TV and radio commercials?
Favorite anime character since childhood
What is Asuna Yuuki, SAO?
The modernist author she has written a paper about and has a little obsession about? (hint: a little gay...)
What is Virginia Woolf?
The name of the (religious) person Phyllis (dolls dad's mother) believes she is the reincarnation of
Who is Mary from the Bible?
Blindbox/Gacha box character brand that is dolls favorite
How did doll and dolls boyfriend meet?
What is YikYak at midnight?
Favorite Disney princess movie when younger
Period of time doll wishes to study in the future
Romantic, 1700s-1800s feminism in romance literature
How many times has doll been kidnapped and by whom
Twice! By Phyllis (dolls dad's mother) and dolls dad!
Millie's #1 comfort movie?
What is Emma (2020)? (will accept Frozen (2013))
Name the Wii game I definitely have too many hours on as a child
What is Go Vacation!
Favorite fantasy RPG video game
What is Dragon Age: Inquisition?
In dolls opinion, the best Classics books (Or doll likes to study the most) (There are are four, but if you get at least 2, you'll get full points)
What is Emma and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen or Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy.
32 cats and 3 dogs. Favorite dog was Si (golden retriever) and favorite cat was Tony (orange tabby cat).
Name dolls number one main from the following games, even if fae doesn't play them anymore (yes, you do need to get them all): League of Legends, Genshin Impact, Overwatch 2, Smite, Apex Legends
League of Legends: Ahri
Genshin Impact: Kokomi
Overwatch 2: Mercy
Smite: Aphrodite
Apex Legends: Watson
Name the exact physical disability doll has! If you don't know the abbreviation or scientific name, explain HOW it happens :3
What is PHPV (Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous) aka PFV (Persistent Fetal Vasculature)? How it happens: "a failure of the regression of a component of fetal vessels within the eye."
Favorite idol rhythm game from childhood and what idol was doll's favorite
What is IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage and Shiki Ichinose?
What is Kindred by Octavia Butler and The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton