What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What does the acronym CERT stand for?
Community Emergency Response Team
What conditions relate to the following colors: Red, Yellow, and Green?
Red = Immediate care
Yellow = Delayed care
Green = Minor wounds or “walking
What is the process called that is used to lift a heavy object off of a survivor?
What are the names of the 5 Milwaukie CERT teams?
Alpa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo
What is CERT standard PPE?
hard hat, goggles, gloves, mask, sturdy shoes or boots
Which month of the year is National Preparedness Month?
What is the first step of triage?
Stop, look, listen, and think, aka Size-Up the situation.
Form for documenting transmissions?
What is a Communication Log?
What are the components of the fire triangle?
Heat, fuel, oxygen
What resources do CERT members need to put out a fire?
A buddy and an entinguisher (and PPE)
What is the number of hours for CERT Basic training?
What is “voice triage?”
Calling out for survivors to come to the sound of your voice.
When conducting size-up, the front of the building is referred to as the ________
A side
What channel do you set your radio to for the Miwaukie repeater?
If Search and Rescue are two different teams, what does the Rescue team do?
Stabilize and extract victims, bring survivors to medical areas
What type of radio does Milwaukie CERT use?
Where does one start to perform triage?
Start triage where you stand.
When cribbing, the process of leveraging is wedging a lever under an object and placing what under the lever?
A stationary object or a fulcrum
What is the goal of search and rescue?
Getting walking wounded out first, keep survivors safe, rescue the greatest number in the shortest time
What is one water sanitation method?
Boil water for 1 minute -Water purification tablets -Non-perfumed liquid bleach
What information do you write in the left quadrant of your search and rescue door symbol?
Your group identification (example: CERT team 3)
What are the three main methods of controlling bleeding?
Direct Pressure
Pressure points
List 4 of the 5 main sections of ICS
What is the ratio of bleach to water to purify it for drinking?
8 drops of bleach to one gallon of water