How does mimi pronounce "WASH"?
chef boyardee pizza and ______________
baked beans
Mimi's having a hard time seeing since she can't find her ______
What are glasses?
Mimi was born on March 1 of this year:
Mimi did a ____ burning and burnt down her entire front yard?
How does mimi pronounce "GERALD"?
Salmon Croquettes and __________
Lima Beans
Mimi grabbed the wrong grandchild at Marianna Caverns when the lights went out, grabbing a random kid instead of ________
Who is Hayden?
Mimi called her grandmother this name:
What is Grandmother on the Rocks?
Mimi loves fire so much, she burnt down her ____ when cooking one time
What is kitchen?
At Alex's wedding, Mimi's hotel room was called the _____ House
Mimi made this food that made Parker hide in the bathroom.
What are collards?
Mimi lost her _____ in the bushes for a month
What is her phone?
Mimi cracked the code and took someone's _____ at Watercolor
What is bike?
Mimi made sure she had this when she through fire:
what is a can of gas?
How does mimi pronounce "DARN"?
Mimi likes her cookies like this:
What is crunchy?
Mimi likes hamburgers, but not when she lost what while eating one?
What is her teeth?
Mimi committed this crime after her windshield was shattered at a railroad crossing
What is insurance fraud?
Mimi and her siblings burned down her Mother's what?
What is Peacock Coop?
How does mimi pronounce "ALCOHOL"?
Mimi made an Italian Cream Cake for the funeral home and forgot this ingredient.
What is coconut?
Mimi forgot this when she flew to Houston for Alex's wedding
What is her pocketbook?
Mimi swore off alcohol after having too many of these:
What are Moscow Mules?
Mimi and Mike burned Aggie and Trudy's _____ when they visited them in Ohio?
What is couch?