If a player takes more than two steps in a game of basketball without dribbling the ball, what's it called?
كم عيل للحاج متولى ؟
Who is this
Abdelfatah Elgreny
الصورة دي من منطقة إيه؟
8x8 + 9x9
What is the primary ingredient in guacamole?
Who was the first player to win five Ballon d'Or awards?
Cristiano Ronaldo
اسم منى زكى كامل فى تيمور و شفيقة؟
شفيقة ميمون ادريس
ما هو اسم ويجز الحقيقى ؟
Ahmed Ali
What is the capital city of Canada?
A rectangle has a length of 12 cm and a width of 7 cm. What is the area and the perimeter of the rectangle?
What color are Mickey Mouse's shoes?
What does FIFA stand for in English?
International Federation of Association Football
كم قصة حب فى فيلم هيبتا؟
دنانير و بلانكو و فلوس بالكوم فى البنكو و مليش فى كلامكوا ...
و مقامى خمسين فى تمامكوا
I am a three-digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I?
متى تم افتتاح مول العرب؟
Most goals in a calendar year? how many and by who?
91 goals - Lionel Messi
ما اسم زوج غادة عادل فى فيلم خليج نعمة؟
اليسا احتارت "من فرحتها" فى أغنيتها فى 3 حاجات اذكرهم؟
احترت اشكى ولا احكى ولا ابكى من فرحتى
دول تبع دولة إيه؟
A father is 30 years older than his son. In 10 years, the father will be twice as old as his son. How old are the father and the son now?
In which year did the Titanic sink?
In which year did the first modern Olympic Games take place?
الصورة ديه فى فيلم ايه؟
حلم العمر
ما أسماء أعضاء فرقة WAMA؟
Ahmed Fahmy - Nader Hamdy - Mohamed Nour - Ahmed Shamy
What is the name of this state?
10+15/3-5*0+1 = ??
What is the only country in the world that doesn’t have a rectangular flag?
Roger Federer's retirement year & month ?
September 2022
ما اسم الفيلم؟ و متى تم عرضه؟
الكيت كات - 1991
اخر البوم نزل ل محمود العسيلى اسمه ايه و كام أغنية؟
زعلان منى يا شتا ليه
4 أغانى
Which island is the largest in the Mediterranean Sea?
211 * 95 = ??
ما هو الحد الأقصى لإجمالى المعاملات الشهرية للتحويل فى instapay؟
EGP 400,000
In tennis, how many Grand Slam tournaments are there in a year, and name them?
How old was (Rose) in Titanic?
17 years
Suavemente, besame
Que quiere sentir tus labios besandome otra vez ...
Translate first 2 words
smoothly, kiss me
What is the name of this State?
A clock shows the correct time at 12:00 pm, but loses 4 minutes every hour. If it stopped working 6 hours later, what time does it show?
6 x 4 = 24 minutues
6 hours have passed
6:00 pm - 24 minutes = 5:36 PM
كم يبلغ طول هرم خوفو؟
146 متر
Who holds the record for the most goals scored in a single World Cup tournament?
Just Fontaine
ما هو أول فيلم بطولة مطلقة لروبى؟
7 ورقات كوتشينة
طول الشمس بإيدك إوعى الفرصة تفوت خلي الحلم حقيقة ينطق صورة وصوت لسة معاك أيامك لسة كتير قدامك بكرا تعيش أحلامك و هتتحدى الموت…
فى أى فيلم تم غناء الأغنية؟
What is the name of this Country?
The invoice is 1900 and there is service fee equals 10% and the total is subject to taxes 17 %, what is the total amount after service and taxes?
Which country was the first to grant women the right to vote?
New Zealand