Ôhô, n'klozi. Ôda, ôda n'kloziw. (Are you speaking/ do you speak? Yes, I'm speaking. No, I'm not speaking.)
Ôhô, nolidahôzi.
Yes, I’m happy.
Ôda, ôda n'pmegôw.
No, I’m not dancing.
Awani na, na awani?
Who is that, that someone?
Kagwi ni, ni kagwi?
What is that thing, that something?
Kia na, na migwen?
Is that one yours, that feather/pen? answers: Ôda, kia na k'migwenom. -ala- Ôhô, nia na n'migwenom. -ala- Ôda, ôda nia na n'migwenom.
Nia ni, ni makazen?
(Is that thing mine, that shoe?) answers: Ôhô, kia ni k'makazen. -ala- Ôda, nia ni n'makazen. -ala- Ôda, ôda kia ni k'makazen.
Your bear... Kia na... kd'awasos -ala- kd'awasosem?
Kia na kd'awasos. That one is your bear.
Some coping phrases in the language?
The Pledge Song, and many other songs.
Awani na?
Who is that one?
Ôhô, nd'ai. Ôda, ôda nd'aiw. (Are you presently here? Yes, I'm presently here. No, I'm not presently here.)
Ôhô, nosigidahôzi.
Yes, I’m feeling sad.
Ôda, ôda kodamidahôziw.
No, You're not worried.
Tideso/Bluejay na, na awani.
That one is Bluejay, that someone.
Paper/Pilaskw ni, ni kagwi.
That thing is a paper, that something.
Kia ni, ni pilaskw?
Is that thing yours, that paper? answers: Ôda, kia ni k'pilaskom. -ala- Ôhô, nia ni n'pilaskom. -ala- Ôda, ôda nia ni n'pilaskom.
Nia na, na Mategwas/Rabbit?
(Is that one mine, that rabbit?) answers: Ôhô, kia na k'mategwasem. -ala- Ôda, nia na n'mategwasem. -ala- Ôda, ôda kia nia k'mategwasem.
Your spoon... Kia na kd'amkwôn -ala- kia na kd'amkwônem?
Kia na kd'amkwônem. That one is your spoon.
More words to build my vocabulary of ni and na words?
pdf's in canvas, youTube videos & songs, taking notes in class...
Hello (I acknowledge you.)
Kagwi ni?
What is that thing?
Ôhô, n'kwagwaji. Ôda, ôda n'kwagwajiw. (Are you trying?/ Do you try? Yes, I'm trying. No, I'm not trying.)
Ôhô, nodamidahôzi!
Yes, I'm worrying!
Ôda, ôda n'msinasaw.
No, I’m not yawning/sighing/breathing deeply.
Mgeso/Eagle na, na awani.
That one is Eagle, that someone.
Table/Tawipodi ni, ni kagwi.
That thing is a table, that something.
Kia ni, ni awighigan?
Is that your thing, that book?
Nia ni, ni sisiwan.
That thing is mine, that rattle.
My drumstick... Nia ni... n'pakholiganigan -ala- n'pakholiganiganem
Nia ni n'pakholigan. (Usually, there's no --m when it's a --gan. It's a thing in the hand.)
What we are planning to study in Jesse's classes and discuss/review/play with in other classes?
In the course guide, checked for updates in Canvas.
Tôni kd'ôhlôwzin?
How are you (How might you be continually living?)
Kagwi ni, ni kagwi?
What is that thing, that something?
Ôda K’tokiw?
Ôhô, n'toki. Ôhô, ôda n'tokiw. (Are you not awakening/ do you wake up? Yes, I'm awakening. Yes, I'm not waking up.)
Ôhô, k'nokidahôzi.
Yes, you're feeling peaceful.
Ôda, ôda kd'idamo.
No, you don't say.
Awani na, na sibs?
Who is that one, that bird?
Kagwi ni, ni awighigan?
What is that thing, that book?
Kia na kidôba?
Is that one is your friend?
Nia na nidôba.
That one is my friend.
My path/ way/ road... Nia ni ... Nd'ôwdi -ala- nd'ôwdim?
Nia ni nd'ôwdim. That thing is my path/ way/ road.
Someone to practice with?
Classmates and teachers. Pets! Objects around the house (or even at the grocery store.)
You look familiar/renewed to me! (You're a sight for sore eyes!)
Who is that one, that someone?
Awani na, na awani?
Ôda kd’agakimziw?
Ôhô, nd'agakimzi. Ôhô, ôda nd'agakimziw. (You aren't studying?/ You don’t study? Yes, I study. Yes, I'm not studying.)
Ôhô, k'môji.
Yes, you're leaving.
Ôda, ôda k'wsegwinaw.
No, you're not coughing.
Kejegigihlasis na, na sibs.
That one is Chickadee, that bird.
Kagwi ni, ni pakholiganigan?
What is that thing, that drumstick?
Kia na, na Agaskw? (please answer, translate if you can)
(Is that your one, that Woodchuck?). answers: Ôda, kia na, na Agaskw. (No, That one is your Woodchuck.) -ala- Ôhô, nia na, na Agaskw. (Yes, that is my one, that Woodchuck.) -ala- Ôda, ôda nia na nd'agaskom. (No, that one is not my woodchuck.)
Nia ni, ni pakholiganigan? (please answer, translate if you can)
(Is that my thing, that drumstick?) answers: Ôhô, kia ni, ni pakholiganigan. -ala- Ôda, nia ni, ni pakholiganigan. -ala- Ôda, ôda kia ni k'pakholiganigan.
Your head... Kia ni ... K'dep -ala- kd'depem?
Kia ni k'dep. (Usually, there's no --m when it's a body part. It's literally part of someone.)
Something to move around to help me practice our forms?
What do you use all the time? Learn the terms for those everyday things, so they're easy to find, move, practice with.
I am continually living well.
Whose is that thing, that something?
Awani ni, ni kagwi?
Ôda k’ksinidahôziw?
Ôda, n'ksinidahôzi. Ôhô, ôda n'ksinidahôziw. (Aren’t you bored?/ You're not bored? No, I'm bored. Yes, I'm not bored.)
Ôhô, k'madwôzi wzômi ôda nd'Alnôbaôdwaw.
Yes, your complain because/too much I don't speak Abenaki.
Ôda! Ôda idamwi!
No, they don't say!
Kokokhas na, na wibwigit.
That one is Barred Owl, that one who is grey.
Sisiwan ni, ni askaskwigek.
That thing is a rattle, that thing that is green.
Kia ni, ni tawipodi? (please answer, translate if you can.)
(Is that your thing, that table?) answers: Ôda, kia ni, ni tawipodi. -ala- Ôhô, nia ni, ni tawipodi. -ala- Ôda, ôda nia ni n'tawipodim.
Nia na, na wôbaks? (Please answer, translate if you can.)
(Is that my one, that shirt?) answers: Ôhô, kia na kd'wôbaksem. -ala- Ôda, nia na n'wôbaksem. -ala- Ôda, ôda kia na, na wôbaks.
My (little friend) dog... Nia na... nd'amis -ala- Nd'amisem?
Nia na nd'amis. That one is my dog. (Usually, there's no --m when it's a family member, or obvious relation.)
Where my thoughts/ words went?
(ummm... what was that?...) (Some ideas...) Slow down. Go back to the last thing you remember. Be ready to let it go/ look it up later. Play. Build it again. Give others, and yourself, patience.
Tôni alosaik?
How is it going (for you)?
Whose is that (someone's) one, that someone's one?
Awani nihi awanihi?