Awani wa, wa awani?
Who is this, this one?
Abaznoda io ta pilaskw ni.
This is a basket and that is a paper
Awani na?
___ na!
You are happy
I am happy
Tôni kd'ôhlôwzin?
How are you living?
Give me
Kia na, na namas? Ôhô, nia na, na namas.
Is that yours, that fish? Yes, that is mine, that fish.
Awani wa, wa awani?
Who is this, this one?
K’nodawô awani? Ôhô, n’nodawô awani.
Do you hear someone? Yes, I hear someone.
N'nôzenem k'deo ala kelji? ôda, nia ni n'zid!
Do I touch your head or your hand? No, that's my foot!
Abazi na ta namas wa.
That one is a tree and this is a fish.
Kagwi io, io kagwi?
What is this, this thing?
Kagwi ni?
____ ni!
kia na kd'amis? ôhô, nia ni nd'amis!
is that your dog? yes, that's my dog!
Nd'eliwizi ______. Kagwi kd'eliwizi?
I'm called ___. What are you called?
I’m (continually) living well
Blueberry (ni)
Kia ni, ni abaznoda? Ôhô, nia ni, ni abaznoda.
Is that yours, that basket? Yes, that is mine, that basket.
Kagwi io, io kagwi?
What is this, this thing?
K’nodam kagwi? Ôhô, n’nodam kagwi.
Do you hear something? Yes, I hear something.
K'paiô wajok? ôda, n'paiô nebesek.
Do you arrive at the mountain? No, I arrive at the lake
Abôn wa?
Is this (one) bread?
Ôda ala ôhô?
No or yes?
Ôhô, nolidahôzi
Awani kia? ____ nia
Who are you? I am _____
Nd’abaznodaka. Kd’abaznodaka achi?
I'm basketmaking.. Are you basketmaking. also? (I'm making baskets. Do you make baskets, too?)
Travel well!
Kia na k'namasem? Ôhô, nia na n'namasem
Is that your fish? Yes, that’s my fish.
Awani na, na nodawok? Kokokhas na, na nodawôan.
Who is that, that one I hear? That’s an owl, that one you hear.
K’nodawô na? Ôhô, n’nodawô na.
Do you hear that one? Yes, I hear that one.
n'megenô abôn ala skamoniabôn ala sogaliabon, kanwa ôda abon!
I choose bread or cornbread or sweet bread/cake, but not a bed !
agma, kia ta nia
they, them (3rd person singular), you (your, yours) and me (I, mine)
Awighigan ni?
Is that thing a book? / That thing is a book?
Ôda kolidahôziw?
Ôhô, ôda nolidahôziw
Kia na kokemes?
Is that (one) your grandmother?
Nia na n'mahôm
That (one) is my grandfather
Take good care of yourself
Village, town (ni)
Kia ni kd’abazim? Ôhô, nia ni nd'abazim
It that your stick? Yes, that’s my stick
Kagwi ni, ni nodama? Lintowôgan ni, ni nodaman. What is that, that thing I hear?
That is a song, that thing you hear.
K’nodamen ni pilaskw? Ôhô, n’nodamen ni pilaskw.
Do you hear that paper? Yes, I hear that paper.
do you complain?
Amkwôn na
that one is a spoon
Ôhô, nia ni nd’awighigan
Yes, that’s /that thing is my book
ôda k'nokidahôziw?
are you not peaceful?
K’talaloka? Ôhô, n’talaloka.
Are you working? Yes, I’m working.
Ôda kolidahôziw? Ôhô, ôda nolidahôziw.
Are you not happy? Yes, I am not happy.
You’re a welcome sight / You appear new to me / traditional greeting
my head (ni)
kia ni k'pilaskom ala agma ni w'pilaskom?
Is that your paper or is that their paper?
Awani na, na sibs? Pakesso na, na sibs.
Who is that, that bird? That’s a partridge, that bird.
Nodawa awanihi? Ôhô, nodawa awanihi. Nodam kagwi? Ôhô, nodam kagwi.
Do they hear someone? Yes, they hear someone. Do they hear something? Yes, they hear something.
do you breathe deeply/ yawn / sigh?
Pakholigan na ta migwen wa.
That one is a drum and this one is feather.
Siziwan io ta abaznoda ni
This (thing) is a rattle and that (thing) is a basket
K'kadi klozi ala kd'elinto?
are you going to speak or do you sing?
Ôda kolidahôziw? Ôhô, ôda nolidahôziw. Saagat!
Are you not happy? Yes, I am not happy. I'm sorry it's hard!
Ôda kosigidahôziw? Ôda, nolidahôzi.
Are you not sad? No, I’m happy.
Liwlaldamana hli?
Please tell me?
Thank you
Awani nihi w’namasema? Agma nihi w’namasema.
Whose fish is that? That’s their fish.
Kagwi io, io akwôbi? Tagwôgwo io, io akwôbi.
What is this, this season? This is fall, this season.
W’nodawô nihi? Ôhô, w’nodawô nihi. W’nodamen ni? Ôhô, w’nodamen ni.
Do they hear that one? Yes, they hear that one. Do they hear that thing? Yes, they hear that thing.
k'nodawô kalakôn wa ala patades na?
Do you hear this cookie (or cracker, chip) or that one a potato?