What is the minimum number of hours that any age group needs in order to get a "good night's sleep".
8 hours
Name 3 forms of exercise that you enjoy
This can be anything that boosts your heart rate! If you are breathing more heavily or sweating, this is a great indicator of good exercise!
List a positive effect that good food can have on mood.
Improve mood - feel happier
Give you more energy
Help you think more clearly, increase focus
When we relax, the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more energy. It helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids positive thinking, concentration, memory, and decision making.
What do you do to relax?
Do we sleep better in a warm or cool environment?
Experts state that 65 degrees is the ideal temperature for a good night's sleep. When we fall asleep, our body temperature naturally drops 1-2 degrees. A cool room helps this process and helps us to fall asleep more easily and to stay asleep!
What is a "bedtime routine"?
List 2 examples of helpful/healthy habits that may lead to better sleep
A bedtime routine involves doing similar activities in a similar way each night. This helps our brains and bodies settle down and become "tired" each night.
* Take a shower
* Turn off the electronics at least 30 min before bedtime
*Decaf Tea
* Read
* Listen to music
* Bedtime stories
* Cool temperature
* Dark lighting
Endurace - the ability to sustain the exercise for prolonged period of time
Strength - How physically strong a person is
Flexibility - The ability to bend or stretch
These are 3 of the key elements of fitness. List a way that you can improve each of these elements.
Endurance: Push past some discomfort. Increase length of exercise in small increments each day
Strength: Lifting heavy things, push ups, playing sports. Increasing weight over time.
Flexibility: Stretch frequently, especially after exercise
How much water/fluid should we consume daily?
A. 4-5 cups
B. 6-8 cups
C. 8-10 cups
B. 6-8 Cups
Water flushes bacteria, aides digestion, prevents constipation, normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes heartbeat, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, regulates body temperature, maintains electrolyte balances
Even mild dehydration leads to decreased concentration, decreased muscle strength, decreased endurance, dizziness, and fatigue
All fluids, and even some foods, contribute to "fluid intake"
An easy way to know if you are hydrated? Check your urine!
This form of exercise can help you relax both your mind and your body. The mindful movement and breathing done in this activity moves our nervous system out of "fight or flight" and in to "rest and digest". It lowers our stress hormones and helps us to feel calm. It also helps to boost Serotonin and help our mood!
After I do this activity, you will nama-stay calm!
This good mood food is packed with potassium, vitamin B6, fiber, and vitamin C. It is good for your skin and aids digestion. It gives you energy and even contains tryptophan. Tryptophan is a protein that the body converts to serotonin. This chemical helps you to relax and improves mood!
Monkeys are not the only animals who find this fruit a-peeling...
What is the name of the hormone released by the pineal gland that regulates sleep-wake cycles? This hormone is produced by our brains when it gets dark out, to help us feel sleepy.
A. Serotonin
B. Melatonin
C. Dopamine
We can also take Melatonin as medication. This is a synthetic form of the hormone that our brains produce.
List 3 benefits of regular exercise.
Boost in energy
Boost in metabolism
Boost in mood
improved self esteem
reduce risk of illness
reduces risk of long-term illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
Improves sleep
List at least 3 of the 5 food groups.
1. Vegatables
2. Fruits
3. Grains
4. Protein
5. Dairy
List 2 benefits of deep breathing.
Decrease stress, increase calm - deep breathing slows heart rate and tells our brains to "relax"
relieves pain by triggering endorphins
Detoxifies the body - breathing releases carbon monoxide and cleanses the body of toxins
Improves immunity - when blood is fully oxygenated it carries and absorbs nutrients and vitamins more efficiently
Increase Energy - the more oxygen in the blood, the better our body functions
Lowers BP - As muscles relax, our blood vessels dilate, improving circulation and lowering BP
Improves Digestion - the more you breathe deeply, the more healthier your blood flow will be, promoting organs to function more effectively, including intestines
Improves posture - when you take a deep breath, notice how you straighten your spine. This is so that your lungs can fill up
What is stronger? A human bone or a rod of steel?
Ounce for ounce, our bones are stronger than steel. A bone has a greater pressure tolerance and bearing strength than a rod of steel of the same width. The strongest bone in the body is the femur, which can support 30 times the weight of an average human.
List 2 negative effects that not sleeping may have on you and your body.
* Feeling tired, grumpy, or sore
* Difficulty concentrating. Trouble with memory
* Increased anxiety and depressive symptoms
* Unhealthy eating
* Getting sick more easily due to impaired immune system
* Decreased pain tolerance
How much moderate to vigorous exercise does the CDC recommend that children and adolescents ages 6-17 get daily?
A. 30 minutes
B. 45 minutes
C. 60 minutes
C. 60 minutes
Remember that "exercise" is any physical activity that increases your heart rate! This should be fun! If you have not been exercising, make sure to work up to this, as to not get hurt or discouraged.
Low blood sugar, called "hypoglycemia", occurs when sugar levels in the blood are too low:
* dizziness
* a feeling of extreme hunger
* headache
* confusion
* difficulty concentrating
* sweating
* shaking
* blurred vision
* personality changes
Mindfulness is NOT relaxation, but relaxation is a common "side effect" when practicing mindfulness.
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the act of focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.
When I accidentally touch a hot pain, I quickly pull my hand away from the hot pan. How fast can these electrical impulses travel through my nervous system?
A. Up to 84 mph
B. up to 126 mph
C. Up to 268 mph
C. Up to 268 mph
Interesting Fact: Reflexes are involuntary and instantaneous movements that help protect us from significant danger. These are automatic and do not require the brain to create an action! This is why you pull away first, and begin to feel the painful burn second. It took longer for the "pain message" to get to your brain than it did for your reflexes to pull away.
What is the name of the 24 hour sleep/wake cycle that is part of a body's internal clock. All living creatures, including plants, have these built in cycles.
Circadian Rhythm
What is the name of a hormone that is increased in our brains during and following exercise that contribute to feeling "good"?
Exercise reduces the stress hormones of adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins
Serotonin is secreted following exercise. Serotonin is one of our "feel good" hormones
Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators. Exercise causes the release of endorphins!
Caffeine, refined sugar, and high-calorie fatty foods can contribute to feeling down, mood changes, and an increase in irritability, and anxiety.
What are some "good mood foods"?
Listening to music, especially instrumental music, has been proven to give your "happy hormones" a boost. Which of these are considered a "happy hormone"?
A. Dopamine
B. Cortisol
C. Adrenaline
A. Dopamine
Other hormones contributing to feelings of happiness include serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins
Throughout history, music has been used help improve peoples' quality of life and has been shown to have a profound impact on the brain. It has been proven to help people cope with loss, decrease anxiety, aid in sleep, decrease pain, enhance memory
Too much screen time has been linked to increased rates of depression, isolation, lower test scores, poor sleep, and deficits in memory and cognition.
what is the maximum amount of recreational time that experts say we should be spending on our devices/day. (not including school)
A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
B. 2 hours