This is your body's main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.
What is cortisol
You should drink at least 64 ounces of this a day.
What is water
This holiday often includes eggs as a symbol of rebirth and new life.
What is Easter.
These are the Health Center hours on Saturday.
What are 9am - 1pm
This nutrient is your body’s main source of energy and fuels your muscles.
What are carbohydrates.
These are effective ways to metabolize stress (name 3).
What are move, laugh, cry, breathe, be creative, talk it out, be close to someone you love.
A typical adolescent needs this many hours of sleep.
What is 8-10 hours of sleep.
This is the number of minutes you should meditate for daily in order to see benefits.
What is 10 minutes.
These are the names of three snacks you can find in the Health Center.
What are yogurt, pretzels, popcorn, granola bars, ramen, cereal bars, applesauce, oatmeal, crackers.
Your body makes this vitamin from sunlight and is important for healthy bones.
What is Vitamin D
This unlikely strategy can help relieve or stop a panic attack.
What is eating sour candy.
The adult human body has this many bones.
What is 206 bones
Teenagers with this can see up to 75% decreased likelihood of having clinical depression.
What is a strong spirituality.
You need ibuprofen and the Health Center is closed. These are two locations you can find some.
This nutrient, found in nuts, avocado, and dairy products, helps support cell growth
What is fat
This is the ideal study:break ratio to maximize learning.
What is 25 mins:5 mins
The average adult human has this many pints of blood in their body.
What is 10 pints
This is the name for the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, it is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community.
What is Ramadan.
These are the last names of the three Ms. J's in the Health Center.
What are Ms. Jagodzinski, Ms. Jordan, Ms. Johns
Any food that has been changed from its original form to something else.
What is a processed food.
These are the 4 core pillars of resilience.
What are Capable, Clarity, Competent, Connected
This is the weight of the average adult brain.
What is 3 pounds.
This holiday commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people who lived in Persia, and occurs in March or April.
What is Purim.
Name 2 out of 4 of the names of the sick rooms in the Health Center
Monadnock, Thorndike, Eagle Rock, Dublin Lake
This vegetable, usually served mashed or fried, has lots of vitamin C.
What is a potato