How big is the brain?
Two fists put together
Mindful or Unmindful: letting someone finish talking before you start talking
When your amagdala is in control, what happens to your pre-frontal cortex?
It can't make clear, calm decisions
How big is the amygdala?
The size of an almond
When you are being mindful, are you being considerate or judgemental?
Your neurons need to ______ to get better at something
Name the four ways your brain reacts to danger/fear?
Where is the pre-frontal cortex?
In the FRONT!
Mindful or unmindful: looking to see what other students are doing outside during class time
Controlling your breathing helps to calm down your:
What part of the brain helps you to make good decisions?
The Pre-Frontal Cortex
Where is the amygdala?
Middle of your head (deep between your ears, can point to it easiest from the back)
We did an activity for 30 seconds to practice mindfulness - what did you do during those 30 seconds?
Wrote down everything you heard
How many neurons are in the brain?
85-200 Billion
What part of the brain is your security guard?
The amygdala
Where is the hippocampus?
It is a horseshoe shape around your ear.
What is mindful awareness?
Mindful awareness means being present
Why should we practice focused awareness?
We help our minds to get quiet and our bodies to relax.
Which part of the brain is your memory keeper?
The hippocampus