Think or write down 1 thing you did well today!
What is ...
making your bed?
Being kind to your friends/family?
Went for a walk?
This exercise can be done soon after eating a meal.
What is...
Sit with your feet flat on the ground, palms facing up or down on your lap, and close your eyes. Take 10 deep breaths together
You did it!
Neck stretching! Do each motion together
Feel better?
What is something you do to be creative?
What is...
Dance party!
Awesome job!
Breathwork meditation: Do 5 breaths in the following way:
"Breathe in....2...3...4"
"Breathe out...2...3...4"
3 minutes of being as still as possible
How did it feel?
Easy? Hard? What can you do to be still?
Think about something you LOVE about yourself!
What is...
your sense of humor?
your optimism?
your smile?
your cooking skills?
your hair?
Chair yoga time!
Great job!
Alternative Nostril Breathing:
***do not try if congested
Try to make this hand position on your right hand
Then, place your right thumb on your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril. Then, place your ring finger on the left nostril, remove your right thumb from your right nostril, and exhale through your right nostril
Try this for 3 minutes
- cardiovascular function
- reduces heart rate
Close your eyes, sit in silence.
Can you find 1 sound you hear?
1 smell?
1 taste?
1 thing you feel with touch?
Share what you found!
Compliment time! Give one compliment to someone in this classroom.
You did a wonderful job!
Act it out! SHOW us the answer without saying it!
This is an exercise we can do in the water.
1. What is swimming!
Can you show us your favorite exercise?
Lion's BreathSpread your fingers wide and place them on your lap or hold them up (like you're waving hello)
Take a deep breath in, then stick your tongue out and exhale as you whisper "haaaaaa"
Lion's breath is great for an energy boost! It also opens up your upper chest and throat muscles
Arm and Shoulder stretches!
Great job!
Look around the room and find 6 things that you are grateful for!
Who wants to share what they found?
Freeze Dance! Dance along until the music STOPS, then FREEZE!
Great job! What is your favorite dance move?
Your choice! Pick a breathing technique we have learned today and practice it!
How do you feel?
Body Scan Meditation:
How do you feel?