What are the core mindfulness skills?
States of mind, "what" skills, "how" skills
Emotion mind is
driven by emotions/feelings/urges, mood-dependent, impulsive, hot
The three "what" skills are
observe, describe, participate
The three "how" skills are
non-judgmentally, one-mindfully, effectively
What are the 4 modules of DBT?
Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness
What is the definition of mindfulness?
Awareness of the present moment without judgment or attachment
Reason mind is
driven by reason/facts/logic, cool, rationale, task-focused
The observe skill is
notice body sensations with the 5 senses both internally and externally, pay attention on purpose, control your attention, wordless watching
The nonjudgmentally skill is
don't evaluate as "good" or "bad," accept each moment as it is, acknowledge differences in helpful vs. harmful without judging, acknowledge your values, wishes, and reactions without judging, don't judge judging!
Describe dialectical thinking
avoiding extreme thinking, avoiding binary thinking, embracing the gray, two seemingly opposite things can be true at the same time
What are examples of mindfulness practice
awareness anytime or anywhere while doing anything, meditation, prayer, movement
Wise mind is
the integration of emotion mind and reason mind, wisdom within each person, identifying the middle path, intuition, gut instinct
The describe skill is
putting words on what you observe, label what you observe and stick to the facts, no interpretations/opinions
The one-mindfully skill is
do one thing in the moment, let go of distractions, re-direct your focus to the task at hand when you notice distractions
Describe your "skills breakdown point"
When arousal is too high and distress tolerance skills are required to reduce arousal before using additional skills
The goals of mindfulness practice are
reduce emotional and physical pain, increase control of your mind, experience reality as it is, increase connection to the universe, essential "goodness," and essential validity
What are ways to practice wise mind
imagery, breath work, asking questions to yourself or trusted individuals, giving time, writing
The participate skill is
throw yourself completely into an activity, become one with whatever you're doing, act intuitively, go with the flow
The effectively skill is
identify your goal, do what works to achieve your goal, play by the rules, act as skillfully as you can, let go of willfulness
What is Kristin's favorite DBT skill?
Radical Acceptance
Relaxation is not the goal, however, mindfulness can induce relaxation
What are behavioral indicators you aren't in wise mind?
a sense of urgency, intense emotions or only thinking of logic, engaging in behavioral targets, lashing out, avoidance
Why do we use the "what" skills
to be fully present in the moment
The "how" skills indicate
how we be mindful, how we use the "what" skills
Describe the Biosocial Theory
emotion dysregulation is caused by the interaction between an emotionally sensitive person and an invalidating environment