What do people with a fixed mindset tend to fear?
Challenge and Effort.
Athletes with a growth mindset are more likely to view what as a learning opportunity?
Failure or Losses
What is cost?
Typical sources of competitive advantage
This belief can lead to the expectation, that true love should be effortless without conflict…
The belief in destiny
What effect does the word "yet" have?
Transforms a fixed mindset statement to a growth mindset statement.
This mindset views challenges as threats and tends to avoid them.
A fixed mindset.
What is the most critical factor for becoming a true champion?
Embracing challenges and perseverance through effort
What is corporate, business, and functional?
The three levels of strategy in organizations
This approach involves seeing conflicts is opportunities to understand and grow together..
The belief in growth/development
What is a growth oriented approach to setbacks?
Seeing failures as opportunities to learn and improve.
Something that can lead to a fixed mindset, making people fear failure is
Intelligence (or talent).
What does Dweck say champions with a growth mindset focus on improving rather than on proving
Focus on improving their skills rather than proving their talent.
What is cost of quality?
Strategy drives emphasis of operating efficiency and product or service quality.
People who think this way might feel insecure and jealous when their partner achieves something..
Feeling threatened by a partner success
What are mentors/role models?
They inspire a growth mindset by demonstrating perseverance and resilience.
What is a growth Mindset?
A mindset that sees challenges as opportunities to grow.
Who's a prime example of a growth mindset champion, known for pushing limits and constantly improving?
Michael Jordan
What is business level strategy?
A single business unit product line, ex.) product and service mix, facilities, locations, new technologies
This type of mindset encourages partners to work through difficulties and support each other’s personal growth..
The belief of effort and hard work in relationships
What is challenge-seeking behavior?
Actively seeking out difficult tasks to improve abilities.
What is it called when someone with a growth mindset actively seeks feedback to improve their skills?
Learning-oriented approach
What phrase does Dweck use to describe champions who bounce back stronger after failures or setbacks?
"Resilient learners" or "comeback champions"
What is strategy implementation?
Actions made by firms that carry out the formulated strategy.
This mindset can cause individuals to see constructive criticism as a threat to their self esteem…
Taking criticism personally
What is mindset transformation?
The process of shifting from a fixed mindset to a more adaptive and resilient mindset.