Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Name the three states of mind

What are Emotional, Logical and Wise Mind


Name one fact about emotions

You are not your emotions. Emotions are messages. You cannot get rid of emotions. Emotions are not facts. Emotions are temporary. ETC


The two zones on the Emotional Thermometer where we are entering more of a distressed or crisis zone.

What are orange and red


You use this skill to "ask for what you want" in relationships

What is DEAR MAN

Describe, Express, Ask, Reinforce

stay Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate


Understanding that two opposing sides can be true at the same time.

What is Dialectics


A skill that helps us to take a step back, observe the situation in order to proceed mindfully

What is: STOP

ST: ake a tep back; O: observe, P: proceed mindfully


A skill you can use to prepare for a hard day

Self-Soothe with the Senses


Name the skill you can use when you are not happy about an outcome and cannot do anything to change it.

What is Radical Acceptance


What communication skill helps people feel heard and seen?

What is Validation


Describe wise mind

Paying attention to how you feel and doing what works to reach your goals.


The two zones (or colors) on the Emotional Thermometer where we tend to function most effectively and wise-minded.

What is the green and yellow zones


Name three of the seven "basics of emotions" learned

What are:

1. neither positive nor negative, 2. you are NOT your emotion, 3. emotions are unique to you, 4.you cannot get rid of them, 5. they are temporary, 6. they are not facts, 7. you can feel it and NOT act on it.


The skill where we use our five sense (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste) to reduce emotionality. 

What is Self-Soothing with the Five Sense


Use this skill to "keep your self-respect" in relationships

What is FAST.

be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, be Truthful.


What does DBT stand for

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


The three "what" skills of mindfulness (Hint: first letters of each word are O D and P)

What are Observe, Describe and Participate.


Describe the purpose of a Behavior Chain Analysis

A skill that helps us to understand and prevent "problem behaviors" by identifying thoughts, feelings, triggers, vulnerabilities, and consequences.


Name 3 different interventions you can use to self-soothe using 3 different senses (1 intervention for each)

Taking a walk, smelling candle or essential oils, baking, playing an instrument, taking a shower, chewing gum, putting on lotion, etc.


The skill to keep relationships intact and healthy. 

What is GIVE 

be Gentle, show Interest, Validate, use an Easy manner.


The skill that helps us the most when in a red crisis zone (hint: it has four different sub-skills)

What is TIPP.

change Temperature, Intense exercise, Progressive muscle relaxation, Paced breathing. 


Define the meaning of doing things effectively in DBT

What is letting of judgement and emotions that get in the way of DOING WHAT WORKS


Name the skill and each subskill that one can use to physically deescalate symptoms of anger or stress.

What is TIPP skill, Tip you Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Name at least 3 sub-skills of IMPROVE the Moment: the skill that helps bring down emotions by soothing the inner state

Imagery, Meaning, Prayer, Relaxation, One crisis at a time, Vacation and Encouragement


Three of the eight skills in VALIDATE

What is 1. Value others, 2. Ask questions, 3. Listen & reflect, 4. Identify with others, 5. Discuss emotions, 6. Attend to non verbals, 7. Turn the mind, and 8. Encourage participation.


Name 3 techniques in DEARMAN

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear Confident, Negotiate
