The best crafting material for tools
What is diamonds?
The name of this mob.
What is Enderman?
The most popular minigame server.
What is Hypixel?
The worst food to eat.
What is rotten flesh?
Bonus 7500
Two mobs that can be hurt by snowballs.
What are Blazes, and the Ender Dragon?
A material that comes from ore that cannot be used for any crafting.
What is emeralds?
The name of this mob.
What is Zombie?
The highest rank on Hypixel.
What is MVP++?
Eggs can be used to cook food and,
What is throw to make baby chickens?
Cave spiders only spawn where.
What is mine shafts?
The only armor that can't be crafted.
What is chainmail?
The name of this mob.
What is Blaze?
Lowest paid rank on Mineplex.
What is ultra?
The best food to restore hunger.
What is cake?
The rarest color of sheep.
What is pink?
The ore that is used for the most crafting recipes.
What is redstone?
The name of this mob.
What is Slime?
Most popular type of server.
What is minigame?
The way to cook meat without a furnace.
What is Fire Aspect weapon?
There are two different mobs that ride other mobs, the spider jockey and,
What is chicken jockey?
The worst armor in the game.
What is leather armor?
The name of this mob.
What is Stray?
The oldest Minecraft server.
What is Freedonia?
Food that poisons you when you eat it.
What is spider eye?
The best game ever.
What is Minecraft?