how to make Potion of Swiftness
just sugar.
planks đź’€
1 log
what dose a ender pearl do
what mob has the least health
what food do you need for a cow to breed
how do you make a splash potion (it doesn't matter the potion)
what is gunpowder?
chest plate
8 ore
you cant sleep when this is near by
what health dose the ender dragon have
how far dose a water source go (for farming)
4 blocks
how to make fire resistance potion
what is magma cream?
Combine six matching wool blocks and a stick to craft a banner
how to get to end (what dose the portal need)
12 ender eyes
mob with the most health
wither 300 hearts
can you use torches as sunlight for crops
how do i make the duration on my potion last longer
what is Redstone
music box
eight wooden planks all around and one diamond in the center
how to get dragons breath
from end dragon with empty glass
how to revive the ender dragon
4 end crystals
how to make pumpkin pie
combine a pumpkin, sugar, and an egg in a crafting table
Invisibility Potion
what is Potion of Night Vision and a Fermented Spider Eye
how to make a armor stand
1 smooth stone slab and 6 sticks
when was Minecraft sold to Microsoft
how do you eat mobs
mods hahaha
3 buckets of milk, 2 sugar, 1 egg, and 3 wheat