What block can push and pull other blocks?
A sticky piston.
What mob has a chance to drop a nautilus shell?
A drowned.
What item allows you to zoom in in minecraft?
What structure are there mobs that you can trade with to get emeralds?
A village.
What block in minecraft teleports?
The ender dragon egg.
What mob in Minecraft can walk on lava?
How do you craft a jukebox
What is the item is used on suspicious sand and gravel?
A brush.
What structure can you get totems of undying?
A woodland mansion.
What block in the game Minecraft can out put a redstone signal depending on the time of day?
The daylight senser.
What 4 types of mobs don't spawn naturally?
Phantoms, warden, wither, endermite.
What item in minecraft is the fastest at chopping wood?
(not enchanted)
A golden axe.
What structure has a villager and zombie villager?
A igloo.
What is the rarest block in minecraft?
Deepslate emerald ore.
How do you get a piglin head in Minecraft?
You get a charged creeper and make it explode the piglin.
How do you craft a beacon?
What items are used to make tinted glass?
Amythest shards and glass.
What structure usually has a map in a chest?
A shipwreck.
What type of egg can you get from suspicious gravel and sand?
(not a turtle egg)
A sniffer egg.
What mob shoots poisonous arrows?
What items are needed to craft a mace?
A heavy core and a breeze rod.
What 3 items are needed to make netherite armor?
Netherite ingot, diamond armor, and netherite upgrade template.
What structure has arrow traps in Minecraft?
A jungle temple.