how to build pickaxe
2 sticks and 3 wood
what mob has no skin
a skeleton
what animal is the smallest
baby chicken/endermite
what structure has a blaze
nether structure/fortress
what do you need for bread
how to build a sword
1 stick and 2 wood or any material
what mob can change to a water mob
whats the slowest animal
where can you find the end
end portal
how can you make a furnace
8 cobblestone
how to make a boat
5 wood
what mob is the biggest
warden/endear dragon
what animal hates chickens
what has pillagers
pillager outpost
how to make a ladder
7 sticks
whats the hardest mob
what animal is the cutest
what has 4 chest/not in water
deserter pyramid
how to make a todome
3 gold a golden helmet and one emerald
what is the rarest mob not animal
full diamond/baby zombie
whats the rarest animal not mob
pink sheep
what has a map in a chest and in the water
a shipwreck