Excluding Armor trims, there are 23 items that are only used exactly once across all shaped crafting recipes. Name 3.
smooth stone slab, nether star, sculk sensor, heart of the sea, cocoa beans, crafting table, dropper, resin block, tripwire hook, stone pressure plate, bow, ghast tear, melon slice, apple, stone slab, carved pumpkin, bookshelf, heavy core, soul torch, arrow, piston, hay block, warped fungus
This mob won the first ever mob vote.
Acquire Hardware
Smelt an Iron Ingot (or have iron ingot in your inventory)
Naming a mob this name will flip it upside down
This item/armor piece generates only in End Cities with Ships
Being included in 97 recipes, this item is the most common in recipes.
This mob cannot move while you are looking at it.
We Need to Go Deeper
Build, light and enter a Nether Portal
Upon booting up the game, there is 0.01% chance for the word Minecraft to be this word instead
This powerful fruit cannot be obtained outside of generated chests
Enchanted Golden Apple
Including smelting, smithing, etc, how many crafting recipes are in the most recent version? (Closest wins)
There are 6 jockey spawns in the game, name 3.
Chicken Jockey, Hoglin Jockey, Ravager Jockey, Skeleton Horseman, Spider Jockey, Strider Jockey
The End... Again...
Respawn the Ender Dragon
There are 5 'joke' languages as options in the settings menu. Name One.
Pirate Speak, LOLCAT, Shakespearean English, Anglish (puristic English), and ɥsᴉlƃuƎ (ɯopᵷuᴉʞ pǝʇᴉu∩) (upside-down English).
A nether based mob that packs a heavy punch
Piglin Brute
What can you craft using ALL of the following items:
3x Sticks, 2x String, 1x Tripwire hook, 1x Iron Ingot
Name a mob that always drops NOTHING when killed.
Bat, Villager
How did we get here?
Have every effect applied at the same time
This mob can only be spawned by commands, and is a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
The killer bunny
A non-ore block only found in the nether, not found in a structure.
What are the only 2 recipes that use a fishing rod?
Carrot on a stick, Warped Fungus on a Stick
What can you rename a Vindicator so that it attacks all mobs except illagers and ghasts?
Uneasy Alliance
Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it
Who is the only minecraft account that has a custom layer added to their skin permanently?
Although it can be grown, its item form cannot be obtained except for inside Savanna Villager Houses.
Tall Grass