What update was the nether updated
Name the Mob with most hit points on Java and Bedrock
What Block is Not Renewable in an Ocean Monument
what death message does dying to a firework show
(Player Name) went off with a bang
What structure do drown spawn in
Ocean Ruins
What year was the Minecraft breeze first introduced
What Minecraft mob attacks the player only when another certain mob is nearby.
Polar Bear
What Block that is not unbreakable takes the longest to mine
Reinforced Deepslate
Name every difficulty in Minecraft
Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard
What is the smallest Minecraft structure
Buried treasure
Name every Other Minecraft based game (including Minecraft)
Minecraft earth, Minecraft legends,Minecraft dungeons, Minecraft
What is the smallest Minecraft mob (including babies)
baby turtle
What Unbreakable block emits light
End portal blocks
How many blocks away can the warden smell you from
20 blocks
Name Every Biome Bastions can be found in
Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valley, Crimson Forest, and Warped Forest
What year did notch sell Minecrafts game rights to Microsoft
What 9 Minecraft mobs can not be found naturally in a world without a player (Mobs spawning from the player just being there does not count)
Endermite, Snow golem, Wither, Zoglin, Warden, ravager, tadpole,mule,vex
What Block that can be obtained in survival and is placeable has the least amount of pixels.
Name all the Game modes in Minecraft
Creative, Spectator, Hardcore, Survival, Adventure
Name The Structures/Structure that contains a lecturn
Village, Ancient City
What year was the combat update added
What is the tallest Minecraft mob
what Minecraft block has the longest name
Waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs
How tall would 14 Minecraft blocks be
14 meters
Name every Structure that contains a type of ice
Igloo, Snowy Village, Ancient City, Trial Chambers