Pillagers, Ravagers, Evokers, Vindicators, Illusioners
The new mob(s) coming to the update
Camel and Sniffer
The potion type that gives 2 effects
What is turtle master?
The required ingredients for a crossbow
3 sticks, 1 iron ingot, 1 tripwire hook, 2 string
Minecraft's Original Name
What is Cave Game?
Undead Mobs
Drowned, Husk, Phantom, Skeleton, Skeleton Horse, Stray, Wither, Wither Skeleton, Zoglin, Zombie, Zombie Horse, Zombie Villager, Zombified Piglin
I'm not counting jockeys as different mobs
The required ingredients for the upcoming brush
1 feather, 1 copper ingot, 1 Stick
What type of potion except for mundane, thick, etc... do you not need netherwart
What is Weakness?
The required ingredients for diorite
2 quartz 2 cobblestone
The achievement The Haggler
Acquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading with villagers or with wandering traders
Bee, Cave Spider, Endermite, Silverfish, Spider
Where can you find suspicious gravel
What are Cold Ocean Ruins?
The 2 types of potions can you brew with 2 different main ingredients
What is Harming & Slowness
The required ingredients needed for a fire charge
1 blaze power, 1 charcoal, 1 gunpowder
The names of the 4 unused paintings
What is Earth, Fire, Water, Wind?
Aquatic Mobs
Axolotl, Cod, Dolphin, Elder Guardian, Glow Squid, Guardian, Pufferfish, Salmon, Squid, Tadpole, Tropical Fish, Turtle
The location you can find the sniffer egg
What are Warm Ocean Ruins?
The ingredients in the correct order to brew a 8 minute potion of invisibility
1 water bottle, 1 golden carrot, 1 fermented spider eye, redstone
add redstone at any point after the carrot
Required ingredients for a respawn anchor
6 crying obsidian, 3 glowstone
The ways to get suspicious stew (list)
Crafting, Shipwrecks, (Suspicous Sand), Trading, Brown Mooshrooms
Command Only Mobs (Java)
Giant, Zombie Horse, Killer Bunny, Illusioner
The total amount of resources that will be required to get a full set of netherite armor implying you already have a set of diamond armor and 1 netherite smithing template and you do not use up that smithing template (list)
Templates - 2 netherrack, 14 diamonds
Netherite - 16 netherite scraps/16 ancient debris, 16 gold ingots
The ingredients in the correct order to brew a lingering potion of strength 2
1 water bottle, 1 nether wart, 1 blaze powder, 1 glowstone, 1 gunpowder, 1 dragons breath
you may add gunpowder at anytime but dragons breath needs to be after gunpowder
The required ingredients for rabbit stew
1 baked potato, 1 carrot, 1 red mushroom, 1 cooked rabbit, and a bowl
The achievement Star Trader
Trade with a villager at y320