The foundation for Native diets
What is maize
Defined status of people based on parent's wealth, place of birth, skin color
What is the Spanish caste system
The development from the Colombian Exchange devastated Native population the most
What is diseases (smallpox)
The main differences between Natives and Spaniards
What is gender, land, and religion
The reason some societies were nomadic and some were stationary
What is the aridity of the land and climate
The Spaniard's motivations for exploring the Americas
What is gold, glory, God
The African contribution to the Colombian Exchange
What is enslaved labor to the Americas
Pueblo rebels destroyed every Catholic church in 1680
What is Pope's Rebellion/Pueblo Revolt
Beans, squash, corn grown together
What is three sister farming
Spaniards promised land and Native labor to Christianize Natives
What is the encomienda system
The fuel for the European shift from feudalism to capitalism
What is material wealth in the Americas (gold, silver)
Who is Bartolome de Las Casas