Produces bile, metabolizes drugs, and detoxifies the blood
A type of antibiotic which can be used when we are not sure of the exact bacteria causing an infection but want to begin treatment immediately while tests are ran
Broad-spectrum antibiotic
Type of bacteria which grows YELLOW on an MSA plate
Staphylococcus aureus
Noninvasive imaging technique which can be performed on the abdomen to visualize abnormalities in multiple organs
A non-surgical procedure used to treat the narrowing of the coronary arteries in coronary artery disease
Concentrates and stores bile before release into the intestines
A type of immune cell which proliferates in parasitic infection, fungal infection, and allergic reaction
Zone of inhibition (ZOI)
A test in which the patient is asked to inspire on deep palpation of the RUQ. If the patient halts inspiration due to pain, it is positive and suggestive of cholecystitis
Murphy's sign
A breath sound caused by airway narrowing, frequently seen in cigarette smokers and people with asthma
Location of water and nutrient absorption as well as storage of feces
Ascending colon
Caused by an infection with Salmonella Typhi bacteria, which is transmitted through the fecal-oral route
Typhoid fever
Type of bacteria which does not grow yellow on an MSA plate
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Indicative of high levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase
A type of white blood cell which originates from lymphoid progenitor cells
The largest organ of the body which protects the body from external factors such as bacteria, chemicals, and temperature
A major reason why multiple antiretroviral drugs are employed at once in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus
Viral drug resistance
A type of bacteria that may become pathologic in the setting of multiple antibiotic use, leading to diarrhea and colitis
Clostridium difficile
An imaging technique used to aid in the diagnosis of bacterial or viral pneumonia
Molecules released by the immune system which cause fever
An incurable but treatable disease which is believed to have began as a zoonotic disease. It attacks the body's immune system and is spread easily through unprotected sexual contact and sharing IV needles
Human immunodeficiency virus
The use of viruses to treat bacterial infections
Phage therapy
A blood test value which represents the summation of leukocytes. If elevated, it can indicate systemic infection
White blood cell count
May indicates liver infection, damage, or failure. May also indicate blockage of the common bile duct