The outermost layer of the skin is the _____.
After a Fx, ________ therapy is recommended to help with pain, swelling, & healing.
Which type of cell is a cartilage cell?
Histology is the study of:
Posterior refers to ?
The back of the body
Sweat consists of what ingredients?
Water, Salt, & Small amount of waste
What is the two kinds of muscles are known to be involuntary
Cardiac & smooth muscle
Where are most blood cells produced?
Bone marrow
What type of tissue includes Adipose, Dense fibrous, Cartilage, Bone, Blood, Lymph?
Connective tissue
The transverse plane is where the body is?
Cut into upper and lower halves
The three most important functions of the skin are protection, sense organ activity, and _____.
temperature regulation
Movement increasing an angle between a joint is called:
A fungal infection of the nails is termed:
What tissue Covers internal and external body surfaces and is classified by shape?
Epithelial tissue
The farthest away from the truck of the body is?
What is a pressure injury?
A pressure injury is any abnormal skin breakdown caused by unrelieved pressure. Usually occurs over a bony prominence
movement away from the midline of the body is called:
Rubra means
What kind of glands are ductless glands and secrete directly into the bloodstream.
Endocrine Glands
Inferior is the upper part of the body? T/F
Its the lower part of the body
What are the 6 categories that nurses use to complete a Braden scale?
Moisture, Sensory perception, Mobility, Activity, Fiction & shear, and Nutrition.
What are the 5 P's of compartment syndrome?
pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia. & paralysis
Early signs of tissue damage can include:
induration-area of hardness
Bogginess -squishy r/t fluid accumulation
warm to touch/redness- r/t inflammation
What kind of tissue is found on the tip of your nose?
What section would cut a blood vessel in half, along it's long axis?
longitudinal Section