Site Prep
Send Off and Welcome Back
Crisis 2
Crisis 3

When do you teach MTET?

What is The First Full Day During Ministry Track Planning Time?


What Is The First Thing You Do First At Every Send Off?

What is Roll Call?


What Do You Do If Your Van Gets In A Car Accident On Your Way To Site?

What is Call Maria - Send The Rest Of Your Students to Site


You pass a broken down MFuge van on the way back from site.

What is Keep Going - Call Maria to make sure she knows about it?


Even though you tell them not to, when you get to site one of your drivers leaves without telling you to go get gas in the van.

What is Explain To Them That They Should Not Do That Again - Call Maria So She Can Tell Them Not To Do That Again?


When Do You Pack Your Track Bag?

What is Opening Night?


What Time Can You Let Your Students Out Of The Vans?

What is Approximately 4PM? 

An adult notices some marks on a site kid, they suspect abuse/neglect. They walk the child home, write down their address and take pictures of the child to report. Parents and site contact are now mad.

What is Call Maria - Apologize to Site Contact? 

What should actually be done in this situation?


One of your campers throws a Frisbee and breaks a window at your location.

What is Tell Site Contact Immediately - Call Maria 


I forget my phone/supplies/an adult on campus.

What is Call Maria - Maria Will Bring It To You? Please Don't Leave An Adult hehe


Why Do We Call Site Contacts Every Week?

What is To Clarify Details - Check On Times and Dates - Make Sure We Are On the Same Page - IF NEEDED Photos and Videos Allowed On Site AND Can We Share the Gospel On Site?


What Are Three Things You Need For Site Send Off Before You Can Leave For Site?

What is First Aid Bag - Medical Release Forms - Site Supplies?


A camper gets sick at site and there isn’t an adult from their church in your group.

What is Tend to the Student - Call Maria - Find an Adult from another group that can come back from site with them?


You see domestic violence on site.

What is Gather Information - Let Maria Know So She Can Tell Faith - Let the Site Contact Know 


My adult says my site is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

What is Explain That We Would Not Be Sent To A Site That Is Unsafe And We Are There To Help and Serve Them?


What Are Three Ministry Track Rules?

What is They Must Always Wear Their Nametag - No Phones Out - Must Wear Close Toed/Closed Heel Shoes?


What Time Do You Need To Leave Lunch In Order To Be On Time For Site Send Off?

What is 11:35AM?


My site contact come to me very upset about vandalism they have noticed on site, done by your campers.

What is Apologize - Call Maria - Make Students Clean It Up?


You are cleaning out a hoarders house and while cleaning you find marijuana and cocaine; it is not being used, but it is present in the house.

What is Calmly Get Students Out of House - Talk to Site Contact - Call Maria to Find A New Site


You get stuck in a traffic jam coming back from site.

What is Call Maria So She Can Let Group Leaders Know?


What Two Pieces of Information Are Crucial To Get On Your Opening Night Checklist?

What is People Who Show Up That Are Not On Your List and People On Your List Who Do Not Show Up?

What Are Three Things You Can Do If It Rains On Site Or You Have Extra Time On Site?

What is Prayer Walk/Drive - Write Encouraging Notes - Discuss Bible Study In More Depth/Cover Things You May Have Missed?


My drivers can only find parking in a lot we have to pay for.

What is Call the Site Contact!!?


One of your campers gets all their money stolen on site.

What is Call Maria - Try to Identify The Possible Thief?

What Can We Do To Prevent This?


There is a gun spotted on site.

What is Get Students to Safety ASAP - Call Maria - Go to A New Site?