Community Resources
Community Events
Community Activities

Definition of Outpatient mental health treatment: 

Patients who receive treatment in an outpatient setting return home each night.


Local Mental Health Events: 


What is a community activity that supports mental health? 

A community activity that supports mental health is an activity conducted by citizens in the community to support each other with managing their mental health or maintaining resiliency. 


Definition of inpatient mental health treatment: 

Hospital inpatient settings involve an overnight or longer stay in a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit of a general hospital.


State Fair supporting Mental Health: 

The MN State Fair will have a dedicated day to focus on Mental Health Awareness. Visitors can explore mental health and wellness resources through inspiring stage performances, music, demonstrations, yoga, information, and much more. The event is free with fair admission.


What is a Community Support Program?

The Community Support Program (CSP) assists individuals with mental health issues in achieving and sustaining the highest quality of life consistent with their abilities, needs, personal ambitions, and available resources. The program strives to instill wellness to individuals living in the community.


Department of Human Services: 

The Department of Human Services oversees publicly funded programs offering community-based mental health services for Minnesotans with mental illness. Our staff are dedicated to supporting adults with a mental illness in their personal journey toward recovery.


What is NAMI? 

National Alliance of Mental Illness 

What is an online community program to support Mental Health? 

A program offered via online, such as telehealth, social media or activities accessed through a website. 


Mental Health Crisis Definition: 

A mental health crisis is any situation in which. a person's behavior puts them at risk of hurting. themselves or others and/or prevents them from. being able to care for themselves or function. effectively in the community.


Mall of America supporting Mental Health: 

Mental Health Minnesota is a proud sponsor of this event along with Mall of America, Prairie Care, Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health, Headway Emotional Health, and NAMI Minnesota.


Two places where local community programs are offered?

1. schools

2. religious/spiritual places

3. parks and recreational buildings

4. Mental health Clinics

5. Fairs

6. online

7. residentially

8. work places


Mental Health of Minnesota:

- An affiliate of mental health of America


When is mental illness awareness week in MN 2022?


Minnesota's largest community that supports mental health is: 

Department of Human Services
