Who am I? (pt 1)
STEM Facts
Who am I? (pt 2)
Multi-disciplinary Careers in STEM


Was an assistant professor of Physics in 1995, and was the first woman to become a professor of Physics in 2007. 

Her research explores the properties of novel, nanostructured materials, which have features made up of only a few atomic layers. She uses lasers to measure the ways that energy moves in these quantum mechanical systems.

Worked her way up to the Dean at Williams College for 6 years before becoming the president at another university. 

President Sarah Bolton 


Different fragments or segments of rocks get compacted together

Formed when sediment is deposited out of air, ice, wind, gravity or water flows 

Often formed when weathering and erosion break down a rock into loose material

Sedimentary Rocks


Father of modern genetics

Worked with pea plants

Was a monk in Czechia

Gregor Mendel


This is an emerging field that is the "child" of mathematics and computer science.

The feild looks at enormous collections of information and extracts value from it. 

It's a multidisciplinary field. 

As of 2019, the college created a major it. 

Data Science 


Someone who already does what you are trying to do. 

Sometimes they are someone with a role relevant to your career goals or they are someone who can give you advice on your current situation. 

They can be faculty, professors, alumni, upperclassmen, or family and friends



- She was the maker of HeLa an immortal cell line used in scientific research 

- Her cells were derived from cervical cancer cells taken on February 8, 1951 

- She was a 31 year old African American mother of 5 who died of cancer on October 4, 1951 

- Her cells contributed many breakthroughs such as the effects of zero gravity in outer space, the development of the polio vaccine, the study of leukemia, cancer research worldwide, and the AIDS virus. 

- Opera made a documentary about her!

Henrietta Lacks 


-This underrepresented group only makes up about 24% of the STEM workforce

-Every year, MiSTEM helps to encourage the retention of this group by participating in Expanding Your Horizons



Crafted Noether’s Theorem 

Trailblazer in theoretical physics and abstract algebra

Apparently, Einstein went to her for help (you heard)

Emmy Noether


The feild looks ar natural hazards, climate change, energy, and natural resources. 

The college offers 2 majors under this umbrella. 

James White, a professor at the college annually hosts a presentation "Can humans and Nature coexist?"

Earth Sciences: Geology & Environmental Geoscience 


A psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments leading to a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

Imposters Syndrome 

Nearly 70% of individuals will experience signs and symptoms of impostor phenomenon at least once in their life. 

Research shows that impostor phenomenon is not uncommon for students who enter a new academic environment.



Is an american computer scientist, electrical engineer, inventor, and transgender activist. 

Worked at IBM on the Advanced Computing Systems Project before being fired as she underwent gender transition in 1968 

Invented scalable design rules for VLSI chip design in 1978, was a visiting associate professor of M.I.T, and invented an internet based e-commerce infrastructure for rapid chip prototyping. 

Lynn Ann Conway


Double helix

Made of 4 nucleotides 

You share 50% with banana

It is the carrier of Genetic Information 



American geneticist

performed the “Hershey-Chase” experiment in 1952, proving genetic information is transmitted by DNA and not protein

cheated out of a nobel prize

former Wooster student- has a room in Williams named after them

Martha Chase


It is the intersection of scientific research and public policy. 

The goal of a person in this field is to address the increasingly prominent role that science and technology play both nationally and globally. 

The discipline deals with how the legal system can accommodate for the problems created by the impact of technology in society. 

Science & Technology Law 


The chant that is (supposed) to be said after every Minorities in STEM meeting. 

Minorities in STEM! Minorities in STEM! We do it till the END! 

As a biochemist she...

-contributed research to identifying the link between high cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease

-as a woman of color, overcame financial, gender, and racial hurdles to become the first African American woman to earn a PhD in Chemistry in the US 

-became an advocate for the enrollment of students of color in biochemistry. In her father's honor she created a scholarship at Queens College for students of color to pursue science degrees.

Marie Maynard Daly


-Studies have shown that nearly 40% of scientist have self-identified as being apart of this community

-A 2018 study showed that those within this community were 8% less likely to continue in a STEM field than their heterosexual counterparts

-The organization “500 Queer Scientists” is devoted to increasing retention in STEM



Best known for her work on X Ray crystallography 

Her work was key to the identification of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses etc. 

Rosalind Franklin


-Multidisciplinary science concerned with study of the nervous system

- A major here at COW, with 2 (previously 3) “tracks” or focuses of study

- A very diverse and rapidly developing area of study, with a large focus on the brain and neurons



Any student taking an introductory science course can work in groups, independently, or with a professor/"zone" intern here. 

The resources offered there are from the STEM success initiative to better support academic success from under represented groups. 

The STEM Zone


-She was an Iranian mathematician and professor of mathematics at Stanford University 

-She researched: Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, ergodic theory, and symplectic geometry.

-She was the first woman and the first Iranian to be awarded a Fields Metal

Maryam Mirzakhani


Since 1990, this employment field has grown 79% (9.7 million to 17.3 million) 

-Despite the benefits of pursuing study in this area, underrepresented minorities including African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans represent less than 10% of college graduates working in this field

-Women and girls are vastly underrepresented in this field despite their talent and potential to be successful in these areas. While women make up almost half of the population, they account for only 24 percent of this workforce

-acronym for Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

-Where you belong!!!

The STEM field


An English mathematician and writer 

Known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purposed computer, the Analytical Engine 

Called "the first computer programmer" for writing the algorithm for a computing machine in the mid-1800s.

Ada Lovelace 


S.T.E.A.M is an acronym for...

Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics 

STEAM investigates the same concepts as STEM, but does this through inquiry and problem-based learning methods used in the creative process.


An organization on campus devoted to the support of minorities in stem. 

It was created after discussing the needs of underrepresented students in STEM at the College of Wooster during the MLK Justice Dialogue of 2018. 

Their purpose is to promote involvement of under represented groups while attracting and retaining underrepresented students in the STEM field at Wooster. 

Minorities in STEM!!!
