Who was the first president
George Washington
What is our state bird.
What is the United State’s currency.
U.S dollar
What is Ohio states mascots name.
What is the most popular sport in the world.
Soccer (fútbol)
Who is the only president to have a state named after them.
George Washington
What is Ohio’s signature animal.
White-Tailed Deer
What war did the battle of the bulge take place.
World War II
Name one of the heisman trophy winners.
Archie Griffin, Howard Cassady, Eddie George, Troy Smith, Les Horvath, or Vic Janowicz
Name the last champion in the NFL, MLB, and NBA.
Eagles, dodgers, and Celtics
Who was the tallest US president.
Abraham Lincoln
Name 2 hall of fames that are in Ohio.
Rock in roll and the NFL
What is the United States official language.
How many national titles has Ohio State won.
9 (1942, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1968, 1970, 2002, 2014, and 2024.
Name a state with 4 NFL teams
Who was the shortest president.
James Madison
What number state was Ohio discovered.
What was the first US state.
How many players on Ohio State have won the heisman trophy.
Name the franchise with the most championships in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL. (You do not have to name 2 if there are 2 teams that are tied. Only name one).
Steelers/Patriots, Yankees, Celtics, and Canadians.
Before Donald Trump who was the only president to serve 2 non consecutive terms.
Grover Cleveland
What is Ohio’s state drink.
Tomato juice
What 13 states were apart of the 13 colonies.
Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Massachusetts, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Delaware
What year was the Ohio State university established.
Name the oldest team in the NBA, NFL, and MLB.
Kings, cardinals, and reds