What is a red herring?
introduces an irrelevant point into an argument--squirrel
What are the 5 common topics?
Definition, comparison, circumstance, authority, relationship
1st declension noun endings
a, ae, ae, am, a
ae, arum, is, as, is
incito, incitare, incitavi, incitatus
to incite, stir up
What is a fallacy?
an error in logic
What is an ad hominem?
attacking an opponent's character or motives of believing something instead of disproving his argument
What is an exordium?
at the beginning of an essay it grabs the readers attention
2nd decl masculine noun endings
us, i, o, um, o
i, orum, is, os, is
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus
to salute, greet
What does Genesis 1:1 say?
in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.
What is special pleading?
using a double standard
What is an amplification?
in the conclusion of an essay it amplifies the message by stating to whom it matters and why
2nd declension neuter noun endings
um, i, o, um, o
a, orum, is, a, is
perturbo, perturbare, perturbavi, perturbatus
to confuse, disturb
proverbs 1:5 Let the wise listen...
and add to their learning.
tu quoque
you do it too--dismissing a viewpoint because they are inconsistent in that very issue
What is a thesis?
What are the 4 attributes of a latin noun?
gender, number, case, declension
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus
to praise
Proverbs 11:14 for lack of guidance....
a nation falls, but victory is wond through many advisors
What is a genetic fallacy?
condemning an argument because of where it began, how it began, or who began it
What is parallelism?
similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses
What are the 6 attributes of latin verbs?
conjugation, voice, mood, person, number, tense
supero, superare, superavi, superatus
to overcome, conquer, surpass
What does Genesis 1:2 say?
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.