A sea creature with a soft, oval body and eight tentacles.
Someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court.
A lawyer
The organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body.
A piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top
A two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals (= flat parts you press with your feet).
A lizard that changes skin colour to match what surrounds it so that it cannot be seen.
A person who puts in, checks, and repairs electrical wires and electrical equipment
An electrician
An organ in the body where food is digested, or the soft front part of your body just below the chest.
One of a pair of coverings for your feet, usually made of a strong material such as leather, with a thick leather or plastic sole and usually a heel.
A road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people.
A car
A small creature similar to an insect that lives in hot, dry areas of the world and has a long body and a curved tail with a poisonous sting.
A person whose job is to design new buildings and make certain that they are built correctly.
An architect
The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity.
A piece of clothing made from soft material that covers your foot and the lower part of your leg.
A railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or to wheeled containers for carrying goods.
A train
A large South American snake that curls around a live animal and crushes it to kill it for food.
A person who corrects or changes pieces of text or films before they are printed or shown, or a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine.
An editor
Either of the two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe.
A piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not have legs.
A child's vehicle with two or three small wheels joined to the bottom of a narrow board and a long vertical handle attached to the front wheel. It is ridden by standing with one foot on the board and pushing against the ground with the other foot..
A large bird with pink feathers, long, thin legs, a long neck, and a beak that curves down.
Someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person.
An accountant
Either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine.
A piece of clothing for women or girls that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs.
A vehicle that travels quickly just above the surface of water or land by producing a current of air under it to support it.