The year was Michigan State founded.
When is 1855?
The book character is also known as “the girl on fire”.
What is Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)?
A bird that commonly gets mistaken for a crow.
What is a raven?
In Beauty and the Beast, what Belle’s father stole that got him imprisoned in the Beast’s castle.
What is a rose?
This polymer stores genetic information and is essential for all life.
What is DNA (deoxyribonuclease)?
MSU’s mascot before they became the Spartans.
What are the Aggies?
The French novel that inspired a musical adaptation of the same name.
What is Les Miserables?
The only Michigan (and North American) marsupial.
What is the oppossum?
Mickey Mouse’s original name before it was changed.
What is Mortimer Mouse?
Original named after a process, this is now known to be a device capable of emitting highly focused light with a low variation in frequency.
What is LASER?
The Department of Energy awarded 529 million dollars towards the building of this campus building.
What is the The Facility of Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)?
The classic novel was adapted into a film starring Keira Knightly (note: two acceptable answers; extra 100 points for saying both).
What is Pride and Prejudice or Anna Karenina?
The type of owl pictured.
What is a barred owl?
The Disney princess has the least amount of spoken lines in their titular movie.
Who is Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)?
This internet slang indicates amusement.
What is LOL (laughing out loud)?
The building on campus was used as a filming location for the movie Batman vs. Superman.
What is the Broad Art Museum?
The length of time it has it been since George RR Martin released the most recent A Song of Ice and Fire novel, leaving the series unfinished.
What is 14 years (A Dance with Dragons was released in 2011).
The amount of true hibernating animals are there in Michigan.
What is five?
The Disney character pictured (100 extra points if you know the movie they are from).
Who is Cobra Bubbles?
This looping image format, originally released in 1987, is commonly used today on social media to convey emotions, reactions, and humor.
What is a GIF?
The amount of times MSU changed its name before settling on Michigan State University.
What is six times?
The author of the book Wicked is based on? Hint: not The Wizard of Oz.
Who is Gregory Maguire?
The animal has the latin name of vulpes vulpes.
What is a fox?
In the movie The Princess and the Frog, the name of the country that Prince Naveen is from.
Where is Maldonia?
Abraham Lincoln was the first president to be elected as a member of this party.
What is GOP?