how tall is Alex Dalwain
what is Susie's full name
Susanna Patrya Haltmann
what is my favourite colour
what are the syllables of a natural minor scale
Do Re Me Fa Sol Le Te Do
what happened on December 8th 2017
academy endeavour elementary school christmas choir concert
what is Anya's favourite fruit
what is the length of the juvenile ghost leviathan
67 metres
what is my favourite game
Majora's Mask
what time period was baroque music
what is my current discord status from
A Different Kind Of Human by AURORA
what song is the reason Alex died and came back
farewell from celeste
what is the name of the Gerudo npc that walks near the main entrance of Gerudo Town
am i blonde
one flat
the key of F major
how many electrons are in phosphorus
what instrument does Sean Malloway play
what's the name of the song that plays in the second half of Celestial Resort
Scattered and Lost
whats my address
what is a diminished triad
the top note is a half step down
quia tu domine
suavis ac mitis
what was the design on the first ceramic bowl Anya picked up in Alex's house
hand painted trees and snowflakes
what is the name of the establishment Anju runs?
the Stock Pot Inn
what am i
fat cats go down alleys eating bagels
the order of sharps
what is 1 + 1