Who does birchat hamazon apply to?
True or False: The Torah forbids us to eat the blood of a non kosher or kosher animal.
What can be used as an עגלה ערופה?
a calf
Is a Dayan allowed to rely on the decision of another dayan?
Who won the game of musical chairs?
When we say they were not allowed to wear clothes that apply to other genders, does it mean only to men or also to women?
Both Men and Women
How many times in the Torah does it say not to cook meat and milk together?
true or false: one must do anything to save a נרדפ except killing the רודפ
Who is a ben sorer umoreh?
A boy who does certain bad things that show he’ll lead an evil life.
What did we do by the first Mishmor?
Decorated and ate yummy cupcakes!
How many Mitzvot concern the serving of avodah Zara?
What is the punishment for eating Chadash?
what does not need a מעקה?
a barn
What happens when there is no majority in a beis din?
2 Dayanim are added and they all discuss the case again.
Where is Dena Rosie and Ella from?
Dena Rosie - Cincinnati (Ohio) Ella - Florida
How many times a day do we say kriat shema?
What is Ma’achalei Akum?
Certain food or drink prepared by a Non Jew.
true or false: a bracha is said when erecting a mitzvah.
If judges aren’t allowed to be paid for their time by litigants, what type of pay do they get?
The community should set up a fund to pay judges for their time when ruling in Dinei Torah.
What Jewish significance do each of the number of points have?
770 - address of the Rebbe's Shul
613 - amount of Mitzvos Hashem commanded us
248 - Positive Mitzvos in the Torah
365 - Negative Mitzvos in the Torah
215 - The amount of years the Jews were slaves in Egypt
Which Mitzvah "and you should make yourself holy" refer to?
Washing hands before a meal
What is the mitzvah we do after shechting an animal?
Cover its blood.
true or false: one must accompany the animal a פרטה after helping it unload.
What happens if the witnesses contract each other in questions relating to non essential matters?
The testimony is still valid.
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile