משעה שהכהנים נכנסים לאכול בתרומתן
תנא קמא
fulfill his obligation (it counts/he did the mitzva)
What can you do for shma but not amidah
Read on top of a tree or a wall
How many times a day do we say shema?
מִפְּנֵי הַיִּרְאָה
Because of fear
הרי אני כבן שבעים שנה
רבי אלעזר בן עזריה
in the middle (of a paragraph)
What did Rabban Gamliel do when his wife died?
washed himself / took a bath
When did the כהנים go to eat their תרומה?
tzeis hakochavim (when 3 stars come out)
Shedrasha / שדרשה
(that) (he) made a drasha/ learnt it from a pasuk
משיכיר בין תכלת לכרתי
ר' אליעזר
as it is said in the torah
To fulfill obligation of mitzvah, one has to have ________.
Kavanah. = intention.
if no intention -- lo yatzah.
How does beit shammai want you to do the shma?
Lying down at night, standing during the day
To ask someone, "how are you"
Shma until amud hashachar
R. Gamliel
What is the debate about the point between eloheichem (end of vayomer), and beginning of next section?
Whether it is בפרקים or אמצע
Who put himself in danger in פרק א?
רבי טרפון
row of stones
Until 3 hours
Rabbi Yehoshua
who is more lenient/LESS strict in their argument of responding to a greeting during shema?
R' Yehuda.
Why do we say the 3rd paragraph of shema-ויאמר?
Why is it so important and how do we see it in the פסוק?
To fulfill the מצוה of mentioning יציאת מצרים every day. (we say at morning and at night because ...כל ימי).