My child is less than a year old. Is it really safe for her to get vaccinated?
Dependent on her age, the primary series and bivalent boosters have been authorized by the CDC to be used for those 6 months and over
It takes up to 10 years for a vaccine to go through testing and approval. How was the vaccine created so fast?
Getting the COVID-19 vaccines will cause me to test positive on a viral test
None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines can cause you to test positive on a viral test
The ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous
COVID-19 vaccines contain harmless versions unrelated to the virus that causes COVID-19. After giving instructions to the cells in your body to create an immunity response, your body will discard all the vaccine ingredients just as it would discard any information that cells no longer need
Natural immunity is better than immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination
Getting sick with COVID-19 can offer some protection from future illnesses, but the level of protection people get from having COVID-19 may vary depending on how mild or severe their illnesses are. Getting the vaccine is the safest way to stay safe even after the COVID-19 infection
COVID-19 Vaccines causes variants
COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging
The mRNA vaccine is NOT considered a vaccine
mRNA vaccines work differently than any other types of vaccines, but they still trigger the same responses as a vaccine should
COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips
Receiving a COVID-19 vaccine can make you magnetic
The COVID-19 vaccine will NOT make you magnetic. There is no evidence to support this
COVID-19 vaccines can alter my DNA
COVID-19 vaccines do NOT change or interact with your DNA in any way. After the vaccine triggers an immunity response, the body discards any information from the vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine can make me sick with COVID-19
Because none of the vaccines contain a live virus that causes COVID-19, the vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19
Horse antibiotic are better than the COVID-19 vaccine
Horse antibiotics are used to prevent bacterial infections in horses. They are not meant for human consumption and does not prevent COVID infections nor does it fight off the spike proteins
COVID-19 vaccines will affect my fertility
There is no evidence to suggest that any of the vaccines, including that of the COVID-19 vaccine causes fertility problems
Being near someone who received a COVID-19 vaccine will affect my menstrual cycle
Your menstrual cycle CANNOT be affected by being near someone who received a COVID-19 vaccine, YOU APE