Dangling Modifiers 1
Dangling Modifiers 2
Misplaced Modifiers 1
Misplaced modifiers 2

Walking through the park, the trees were magnificent.

While I was walking through the park, the trees were magnificent.


Not having followed the recipe closely, the cake was a disaster.

The cake was a disaster because we didn't follow the recipe closely.


The chef served the steak rare to the customer with a side of potatoes.

The chef served the stake rare with a side of potatoes to the customer.


The teacher handed back the exams with a disappointed look to the students who failed.

With a disappointed look, the teacher handed back the exams to the students who failed.


While jogging, a deer crossed my path.

While I was jogging, a deer crossed my path.


Climbing up the mountain, the view was breathtaking. 

The view was breathtaking as we climbed up the mountain.


He found a large spider hiding under the bed while cleaning the room.

While cleaning the room, he found a large spider hiding under the bed.


Walking through the forest, they spotted a family of deer grazing on the grass with antlers.

Walking through the forest, they spotted a family of deer with antlers grazing on the grass.


Running late, the keys were forgotten on the kitchen counter.

Running late, he forgot the keys on the kitchen counter.


Baking in the oven, the delicious aroma filled the kitchen.

The pie baking in the oven filled the kitchen with a delicious aroma.


She nearly broke her ankle tripping over the rug walking into the room.

She nearly broke her leg walking into the room and tripping over the rug.


They bought a dog for my brother they call Shadow.

They bought a dog they call Shadow for my brother.


Playing in the yard, the ball rolled into the neighbor's garden.

While we were playing in the yard, our ball rolled into the neighbor's garden.


Hoping for a promotion, the hard work paid off for Sarah.

The hard work paid off for Sarah, who was hoping for a promotion.


Sarah found a beautiful dress shopping at the boutique with intricate lace detailing.

Sarah found a beautiful dress with intricate lace detailing while she was shopping at the boutique.


Tyler almost found fifty cents in the couch cushions.

Tyler found almost fifty cents in the couch cushions.

Given praise by his teachers, his attitude became obnoxious.

His attitude became obnoxious because he had been given praise by his teachers.


Checking the mail, a letter from the bank arrived.

Checking the mail, I noticed the letter from the bank arrived.


Driving down the road, the old house caught his attention with peeling paint.

While he was driving down the road, the old house with peeling paint caught his attention.


I heard there was a robbery on the evening news.

I heard on the evening news there was a robbery.
