What is the definition of the word force?
A push or pull that makes an object move
Draw and describe what a roller looks like.
A long cylindrical object, that is longer than it is wide.
What is the red piece called? What is the brown piece called?
Red: Wheel
Brown: axle (rod or pole that the wheel spins around).
True or False:
A pulley is a wheel with a grooved rim that has a rope or string that moved
Who first used rollers?
Ancient Egyptions.
They used tree logs to move heavy stones.
What is the difference between a simple machine and a compound machine?
A simple machine is one device (lever, roller, wheel/axle) that allows us to magnify force to make work easier. A compound machine is when we combine simple machines together.
Give two examples of where you see and use rollers
Airport security tables, grocery store conveyor belts, some types of rolling pins, paint roller, foam rollers, etc....
Give three examples of where you can find wheels and axles in real life
Cars, bicycles, shopping carts, wheelbarrow, skateboard, rollerblades, etc...
What kind of pulley is this?
Fixed pulley
True or false:
A knife and fork are machines.
Knives and forks magnify the force of our hands by producing more force on the food. Think about trying to cut a steak with your hands!
The amount of force/effort needed to do work is less when you have _____________________________.
Mechanical advantage
What is an advantage and disadvantage of rollers?
Advantage: rollers reduce the amount of friction, making it easier to move objects.
Disadvantage: You need many rollers to work together to move an object/rollers need frequent adjustment to move an object
True or False:
A wheel is attached to the object being moved whereas rollers are not attached.
Fill in the blanks:
Using a fixed pulley changes the direction of the force needed to lift a load from an upward direction to a ________ direction.
What kind of pulley is this?
Moveable pulley
What is friction?
Friction is a force that slows down or stops motion between two surfaces. Anytime two objects rubs together, they cause friction.
How was Jasjaap able to push Mr. Edington across the floor? Include the name of the device and scientific vocabulary to explain how the device worked.
He used rollers which reduced the friction between the bin and the floor.
Think about the car you made in class. Describe one reason why your car would have difficulty moving. Using science vocabulary!
Friction between the wheels and the body
The axles were crooked
True or False:
A moveable pulley splits the force required to lift a load in half.
A moveable pulley is able to lift a load with less force because it is like lifting with two ropes.
Another name for a fixed and moveable pulley is....
Block and Tackle
Give an example of when friction is good and when friction is bad
Friction is good when: cars/airplanes/bicycles are braking,
Friction is bad when: pushing something heavy across the floor
What is more effective and WHY:
A)Using pencil crayons AND highlighters to move your bin across your desk
B)Using ONLY pencil crayons to move your bin across your desk
B (using only pencil crayons) because they will all be the same size, so the rollers will move the bin more effectively. Using different sizes of rollers will make the bin fall off the rollers.
A well uses a wheel and axle to pull water out of the ground. The force we apply to the crank is _____________ by the design of the wheel.
Give an example of pulleys in real life
Crane, lifting curtains, raising a flag, elevators
Copy this diagram and label the parts of the pulley
Directions (arrows)