Fill in the blanks:
Be on _______, on _____ and prepared to ______ ______ day.
What is the Hall Pass today?
Miss Izzy's Chain
What is classroom the job described below?
Meeting with Ms. Izzy to set out materials for the next day, refilling supply table
Class Prep
What is was the former name of our school before it was Inspire 42?
McDonough 42
Fill in the blanks:
Use ___________ for ________ purposes ______.
During attendance, instead of saying "here," we say________
The answer to the random attendance topic.
What is classroom the job described below?
Sweep at the end of the day, make sure chairs are pushed in after each class and materials are put away.
Class Cleaner
What is our school mascot
Fill in the blanks:
Be _________ for your ________ ________.
When can you visit the classroom library? How do you "check" out a book?
Anytime you have "free" time during class (if you finish an assignment early, before starting the extension)
You check out a book by writing your name and the title of the book on the sign out sheet. Ask Miss Izzy for it.
Aux Controller. Highest performing student in class. (Turned in classwork/Homework, Team Player, On time, Present in class)
Name all 4 8th grade teachers and the subjects they teach.
Jackson - SS
Tobias - Science
Isbell- Ela
Hart - Math
Fill in the blanks:
Respect: The ___________, the ________, the _______ __________.
Notify Miss Izzy and the Class Prep.
Which two jobs are responsible for setting the vibe in our classroom?
Aux Cord and Affirmation Control
Who are our assistant principals/Admin team?
Mrs. Bk- Principal
Ms. Rogers- Assistant Principal
Mr. Perry- Dean
Mr. Turner- Dean
Look at picture in presentation!
What are the entire procedures for leaving and entering class?
Come into the classroom quietly and on time. Pick up materials from the moon shaped table.
Do not pack up to leave until class is officially dismissed. Get up slowly, push in your chair. Make sure that your area is clear of any materials. Be sure to turn in anything that is due.
Name all 7 Classroom Jobs
Class Prep, Class Cleaner, Plant Keeper, Paper Collector, Accountant, Aux Controller, Accountant, Affirmation Control
What is our principals name?
Mrs. Bernard Kirt or Mrs. BK