Out & About
Come on Over, Come on Over Baby
You've Got a Friend in Me
Hey I Just Met You, and This Sounds Crazy

When someone gives you a ride you should:

A. Let them know what kind of music you prefer listening to and ask them to play it

B. Just keep quiet, whisper and find something to do on your phone

C. Get in on the conversation and say "hello and thank you" when you leave

C. Join in the Conversation, Say HELLO and Thank You

They are doing you and your parents a favor so say "Hello" and be kind to everyone in the car. Don't whisper with others in the car or get on your phone right away to escape an uncomfortable situation. Be polite, treat the car with respect (trash, where you sit, how you get in and out) and always say "Thank You". for the ride.


When you are at your friends house it is a good idea to:

A. ignore their little siblings; just focus on your play date with your friend

B. Include their younger siblings when possible and be kind to them.

C. if your friend is ignoring their siblings or leaving them out of the fun, then it is okay for you to do that also since it is their house

B. Treat Your Friend's Younger Siblings With Kindness.

When you are in someone else's home you are a guest. Always treat all the members of their family with kindness and inclusion.


True or False.

It's okay to cancel plans with a friend if another friend invites you to do something at the same time that is way more fun and exciting.



If you make plans with someone, keep them, even if you get a better offer. Choose to be a good friend over a "better offer" with someone you would rather go with or something you would rather do. 

Sometimes it works out that you can combine groups, but that won't always work. Ditching out for something better is selfish and hurtful. 

Remember to treat others like you would want to be treated.


If you find yourself with people you don't know in a group, class, team, etc you should:

A. just wait until someone introduces themself to you and then respond

B. don't make a big deal out of it, just keep quiet 

C. introduce yourself first; don't wait for others to make the first move.


If you're not sure where to start, try "I don't think I have met you yet, I'm Calli. What's your name?"


True or False

When you are with other people, headphones and airpods should not be in your ears.


It doesn't matter if they're on, off or turned down, they should be put away in the company of others. Save them for a time when you're alone. This is a simple way to show the people you are with that you care about hem and value your time together. 


If there is someone entering a building behind you, you should:

A. Allow them to take the door and hold it so you can go in

B. Don't look back; just go in. They will get the door themselves.

C. hold the door open for them

C. Hold Doors Open

If there is someone entering behind you, kindly hold the door open, especially if they have their hands full.  If you walk through life with your eyes up, you will see needs. If you see someone pushing a stroller or wheelchair, go out of your way to get the door for them. 


When you go to a friend's house, you should always:

A. make sure your friend knows what it is that you want to play

B. have your phone with you so that if you get bored you can play games on it

C. say hello to your friends parents 

C. Say Hello to your friends parents

When you walk into a home or leace a home, acknowledge the adults who are there. Don't just sneak in and out. Say "Hello" "Goodbye" and "Thank You". Extra bonus points if you have a conversation with them.


If your friends are leaving you out more than they are including you, or they are constantly making you feel bad, you should:

A. Start Looking For New Friends

B. Just don't make a big deal out of it so you don't cause more problems

C. Tell them they are Awful Friends and let other girls know how mean they are 


This isn't easy.  At first you might feel alone, but there are other people out there who will like you for you. 


What should you do when you make contact with someone in a store or on the street or in a school or church hallway?

A. Look them in the eye

B. Speak clearly and Don't mumble

C. If you have something to ask or to say, say it with confidence

D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

Make a Great First Impression

If someone is approaching you don't look down! Look at them in the face and say "Hello, how are you?"

If a server approaches your table and asks what you would like, look them in the eye and speak clearly.

Speak up and speak clearly.

If someone puts out a hand to shake, shake it firmly.

This can be difficult, especially if you are shy. But with practice, you will get really good at it and it won't be scary any more!


When talking to someone on the phone, it is okay to hang up the phone without saying goodbye if the other person says goodbye first.

True or False.



Say HELLO when you answer the phone and GOODBYE when a conversation is over. Don't just end the call by hanging up.  Speak clearly into the phone and don't mumble.


When ordering food or drinks, you should:

A. Ask the server questions about the menu to clarify if you have questions

B. Tell your Mom and Dad your questions and they will ask the server

C. Don't ask questions; it's rude to take up the servers time


If menu items are unfamiliar, politely ask questions to clarify. 

Order quickly or ask for extra time, but don't leave the server standing there waiting.


You go to your friends house. It is much bigger than your house, and they have a pool and a lot of nice shoes, toys, games, and clothes. You wonder how much it must cost to have such expensive things.

The best thing to do is--

A. Just ask. It's okay to ask someone how much their parents make or how much something costs if it's really nice stuff.

B. Don't ask directly what things cost- but you can say things like "this house is really big, it probably cost a lot of money."

C. Don't ask how much things cost or don't bring up the cost of things.

C. Don't ask someone how much their parents make or how much their things/house costs

It's not polite; it's also not polite to announce how pricey your shoes are or how much you paid for your dress or your things. No one's worth is measured by how much they paid for something.

Just tell your friend you love their beautiful home  and focus on things that are more important.


You are in a group of people and you really want to tell your friend something but you don't want to say it in front of everyone. You should:

A. wait for a different time

B. Just whisper it in their ear so no one else can hear

C. Say in front of everyone "Hey I want to tell you  something but I can't say it here in front of them, so I'll tell you later."

A. Wait for a different time and place

Don't Whisper

Whispering in front of others is not okay. When 2 people whisper in a group, it can make others feel self conscious, left out and cause hurt feelings.  Think about how you feel when others whisper around you? It doesn't feel good, right? You don't want to make others feel that way.  Not every conversation is meant for a group, but if you can't say it in front of everyone, wait for a better time. 


Someone you barely know is upset by something you said. They said you hurt their feelings. You should:

A. explain to them that because they don't really know you, they are upset over nothing-- what you said wasn't mean, it was just the way you talk

B. Don't even worry about apologizing; if they are going to blame someone they hardly know, that is there problem and not yours.

C. Apologize for hurting their feelings and let them know that you will be mindful of the way you say things in the future.

C. Apologize


When you have done something wrong or hurtful, learn to apologize sincerely without making excuses or placing blame on others for your behavior.


If you are in a public place with a phone, tablet, computer, etc, you should:

A. Turn down the sound until it is at a volume you think only you can hear

B. Put all devices on Silent

C. Use headphones, watch subtitles, find a private spot, wait until later

D. Both B & C

Both B & C

This goes for devices as well as FaceTime, music, YouTube, memes, games, Netflix, Disney+, and anything else that creates sound.

In Public? SOUND OFF


True or False.

You get an assignment or test back at school. You feel that an answer was right that was marked wrong. You should first tell your parents so that they can go talk to your teacher about it.


Learn to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF at school.  

If you don't understand an assignment, if you need more time to complete an assignment, or if something you feel was right was marked wrong, kindly approach your teacher and ask questions. It's important that you learn to take control of your education. You are smart and can have these conversations with your teachers. Parents can be involved if you have tried and are being ignored or misunderstood.


You are at your friends house and you feel very welcome and comfortable there. You should:

A. Assume that because you feel very comfortable there, their parents probably don't have a lot of rules about what you can and can't do

B. Be unassuming and ask what the rules of the house are. Even though you feel very welcome there, maybe they have rules you don't know about. 

C. Assume that because you feel comfortable there, their house rules are probably much the same as your house rules, so just do what you would do at your house and you'll be fine.

B. Ask questions about house rules

It is easy to feel comfortable in others homes or to assume that every home has the same rules as your own, but every family is different. Asking simple questions about house rules can make a big difference and guarantee that you are welcome anytime.

Ask about their shoe policy.

Never put your feet on furniture.

Don't lie on decor pillows.

Ask permission before eating.

Keep your food and drinks in the kitchen.

Stay in common areas and out of bedrooms.

If you mess it up, clean it up.

Keep your volume at an appropriate level.

If you break something, take responsibility and replace it.


You see a group of kids, including your two best friends, who are talking to the group. You should:

A. Approach the group and go say hello to your best friends and catch up on their day

B. Pull your friends to the outside the group first so you can catch up with them alone

C. Say hello to everyone in the group and introduce yourself if you don't know some of them.

C. Say Hello to everyone in the group


You want to make everyone feel welcome-- only focusing on 1 or 2 people in a group does the opposite of that. When walking up to a group, acknowledge everyone there, not just one or two people. Don't insert yourself and block others or pull 1 or 2 people away from the group. Introduce yourself when appropriate if you don't know everyone.


When someone asks you what you like to do or what you are into:

A. you should have an answer ready

B. just say "I don't know."

C. just make something up

A. Have an Answer Ready

This is a question you will likely get for the rest of your life so having an answer is a useful plan. KNOW YOURSELF. There isn't a "right" answer to this question but "I don't know" or "Nothing" is the wrong answer. You don't have to be awesome at something to like it and you don't have to be on a team or in a club to have a hobby.  What you love doesn't have to be loved by anyone else. And your answer will most likely change as you change and grow. If you can't answer this question at anytime in your life, then take some time to think about it. If no answer comes, try more things.


You read a text or hear about some "not nice" things that are being said about one of your friends. You aren't directly involved You should:

A. Go talk to the people saying the hurtful things and tell them to stop

B. Don't get involved; no need to kick up drama.

C. Go tell your friend exactly what you are hearing or reading that is being said about them. 

B. Don't get involved; no need to kick up drama.

Sharing a screenshot of an unkind text or retelling something "rude" you heard about a person is not being a good friend. Even if you are trying to be the good guy, sharing hurtful things only causes pain and puts you in the middle of the drama. 

Remember: if it's hurtful, don't share or repeat it.


You are at a church activity and the leaders brought refreshments. They said that the leftovers are up for grabs and there is one cupcake left!

You should:

A. It's first come first serve, so grab that last cupcake and go!

B. If you don't see anyone else taking it, then just take it. The leaders said they were up for grabs

C. Ask if anyone else wants it; but you might lose out on getting it.

C. Ask if anyone else wants it


If there is only 1 of something left and you want it, ask if anyone else would like it before you take it. This goes for the last slice of pizza, the only slice of cake, or that lst roll at the restaurant. Often no one will mind if you take the last of something, but it is always appropriate to be considerate and willing to share. This is important at home too, not just social settings.


Fill in the blank:

Don't be the one sitting (doing nothing) while other people are ____________. 


Pitch In! If you are eating with another family, you can ask to set the table or cut vegetables. Always clear your dishes and load them in the dishwasher. If you are at a church or school activity, don't leave before chairs and tables are put away. Just find a way to pitch in and fill a need. 

This applies in your own home as well.


You are having a playdate at your house and you have 10 friends to choose from. If inviting all 10 isn't an option, is it better to:

A. Invite 5 of your 10 friends

B. Invite 9 of your 10 friends

C. Don't invite any of them if you can't invite them all-- just forget about the play date

A. Invite 5 of the 10 friends

DON'T JUST LEAVE 1 PERSON OUT! Inviting all but one is cruel. Be someone who includes and MAKES ROOM. 

You can't always invite everyone to everything, but there is almost always room for 1 more. Don't plan something and exclude and/or tell 1 person they are not invited or start a group text and leave one person out. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them. Don't just ignore them. Think of what it feels like to be the one left out, because most likely one day you will be in that person. 


True or False:

Being a good ____________ means you have eyes on the speaker, put phone or other distractions away, make eye contact, nod, don't interrupt, don't jump to conclusions, don't start planning what you are going to say when they are done talking, stay focused, ask questions, and restate what they said so you understand. 


Being a good listener is a skill few people have today. It will help you be a better learner and a better friend. Other people will feel valued when you listen to them like this. It's a skill to practice. 


Fill in the blank:

If you are going to be late to an appointment with someone, you ____________________________.

should call or text them and let them know.


Learning how to be on time is a life skill. Set reminders or alarms. If you are going to be late, let others know as soon as possible and then thank them for their patience in waiting when you arrive.

If you are always late, then you need to learn how to better manage your schedule and your life. 
