What is my dogs name?
What is 8X7
What is a baby cat called?
A kitten
What happens if you don't pay your rent on time?
You get a late fee
What is our schools colors?
Blue and yellow
What is my favorite color?
If you have 15 apples and eat 7, how many do you have left?
What do you call an animal that eats only plants?
A herbivore
How much is rent?
What is our principals name?
What is my favorite drink?
What is 324 rounded to the nearest 100?
Name a bird that cannot fly
Answers will vary (penguin, ostrich, emu)
Name 3 ways you can earn money in the classroom
Answers will vary (do your job, bring your homework folder, be helpful, do your homework)
What time does school start?
What was our first classroom reward?
What number comes next?
2, 5, 8, 11
14 (adding by 3)
What bird is pink and known for standing on one leg?
a flamingo
How can you loose money in our classroom?
Not following rules
How many days are in a school week?
What is one thing I always say to the class?
Answers will vary
Multiply 6X8
What do you call animals that are asleep during the day and awake at night?
Why is it important to budget your money?
To pay for rent, avoid late fees, and save for rewards
What month does school start in?